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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs


    omg, my stepdad is watching this show on tv saying that ancient surgury is proof of creationism.
  2. ydoaPs


    General Discussion
  3. ydoaPs


    you do know that GD posts don't add to your post count, right? your attitude is not one that is constructive with our purpose; please stop. why do you expect everyone to respond within the first minute of the OP, anyway?
  4. ydoaPs


    i can't understand your question. what kind of project is it? please, stop with the spam. just remember, i warned you before a mod or admin did.
  5. ydoaPs


    spam is bad. you will probably get a warnign for this thread. what is your question?
  6. ydoaPs

    sagnac effect

    um, i didn't catch what the actual effect is. after reading that article, all i know is it has something to do with interference patterns of photons on circular path on a spinning rig. i heard that this effect was once thought of as disproof of relativity. why was that so?
  7. yea, that worked.
  8. from "against evolution":
  9. what is it?
  10. i love it
  11. no, it has 1 dimensions. mathematical objects have one less dimension than the space in which they exist.
  12. 1-sphere is the mathematical name for a circle.
  13. i still have to use windows for the internet, because i'm not smart enough to figure out how to configure my cable modem on my distro. on thursday, i am getting Ubuntu 5.04
  14. the geometry of the string changes and my hypothesis is that it would change how the string vibrates and in doing so would change the properties of the particle.
  15. danny, i later found that out as well. idk why the equivelence principle doesn't hold in this case, but i guess it doesn't
  16. [ url=http://somewebsite ]whatever you want to say[ /url ] without the spaces in the brackets
  17. i closed My Documents and it decided it didn't want to respond. when it finally went away, so did my taskbar and my desktop.
  18. if circumference changes and radius stays the same that means the value of pi changes.
  19. and here i thought it was the EM force that kills in that scenario.
  20. that isn't true for all people at SFN. iirc, many of the people here were first taught a defferent language. and many of those are languages that go the other way such as arabic. not necesarily true
  21. if you magnetize something, it won't be as strong as the thing that magnitised it.
  22. ydoaPs

    Ghost Video

    haha! that video is a joke...literally. there is a UFO proof too. edit: i especially liked the "ghost in graveyard" which is quite obviously a gravestone.
  23. force of gravity at center is zero, but if the hole went all the way through there should be a bit of harmonic motion due to inertia. after the harmonic motion, you should settle in the middle.
  24. iirc, the magnetic domains randomise over time.
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