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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. i never said an imaginary creature couldn't create the universe because i couldn't. i understand your beliefs just fine. it's funny how you can't answer my question.
  2. you sir, need a straightjacket. ok, how did God create light? he had yet to create a medium for sound when he spoke "let there be light."
  3. no, it isn't a fallacy. do you even know what a fallacy is?
  4. no, it is a fallacy, because it is a fallacy, not because we can't understand you. you two are morons.
  5. what the hell is your "immensely deep knowledge?" ooo, i can prove that an imaginary creature created the universe by using logical fallacys edit: post #2,345
  6. it is also a possibility that airplanes are held up by invisible pink fairys.
  7. can you make a single post that doesn't have a fallacy or obviously incorrect information in it?
  8. ydoaPs

    space shuttle

    oo, suborbit....so impressive...
  9. ydoaPs

    space shuttle

    Burt Rutan didn't even get into orbit.
  10. he thinks it says people came from monkeys
  11. well, H2 and O2 are used for rockets
  12. rule of thumb for combustion...more O2 iirc, the ratio for the biggest boom for gasoline is 15 parts air to 1 part gas(iirc, gasoline is only flammable in vapor form)
  13. i guess you haven't been areound herme3 much
  14. herme3: 1)it isn't a theory 2)it is rubbish 3)you have heard both of those multiple times 4)it is not similer to his idea at all
  15. type them on the forum and develop them and clean them up before publishing them.
  16. we have other meanings for those words
  17. yep, sounds like XP
  18. wow, it's XP!
  19. you do know that the grandfather paradox is just from looking at the problem wrong right? you are looking at the events from the perspective of the timetraveler instead of the order in which the events happened. you are alive, therefore you didn't kill your grandfather if you ever decide to go back in time. anyway, i have yet to see a time machine that could take you back further than the time it was built.
  20. if you have a small electric genorater, a vaccuum pump, and an airtight container that conducts heat well, you can make electricity using your body heat.
  21. we do have [math]\LaTeX[/math] to write math with.
  22. what research? could you post it? new laws of physics are required to accomplish ftl just so you know, the grandfather paradox is not a paradox
  23. "trailing" or "getting trailed" townies are people that couldn't get out of the town, typically have crummy jobs and dropped out of high school...("trailer trash" type people) hick or redneck "dude, can you trail me?" socs(pronounced "soshs", not "socks"), preps
  24. sorry, i thought i said "chemical rockets" or "conventional rockets".
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