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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. http://www.deathtocreationism.com everyone should read this...especially those like herme3 and other creationists.
  2. ydoaPs

    space shuttle

    well it seemed like 3 minutes. it was like BAM and then it separated from the external tank and such.
  3. ydoaPs

    space shuttle

    i thought it would take longer than it did. it only took like 3 minutes for them to get into orbit from launch.
  4. the dimensions in string theory are curled up into what are called caliba-yau manifolds. matter is created all the time. it is known a virtual particles. as long as the net energy i zero, it's all good, iirc.
  5. wow... layers? what? black holes don't necessarily "rip" spacetime black holes don't necessarily have to go anywhere a black hole would tear you apart before you get anywhere near it that is the wrong kind of mass. the kind of mass that creates gravity is invariant what does string theory have to do with anything?
  6. sure post them and we can show you what's wrong and what's right
  7. ydoaPs

    space shuttle

    it has separated from the external fuel tank and there seems to be no problems at this point.
  8. xanga? o, i think it is pretty boring.
  9. shuttle just now launched
  10. i'm going to make the discovery of a lifetime by scrapping all that we know and starting from nothing.
  11. there should be an IRC Debate subforum of the debate forum
  12. ydoaPs


    read the following:
  13. ydoaPs


    who is "he"?
  14. ydoaPs


    if you can't see it, i'm not going to explain it...
  15. ydoaPs


    yes, it did have a point...a sharp one...
  16. ydoaPs


  17. ydoaPs


    you mean MSWinPOS?
  18. and it will cost 8 times as much as XP with no hope of a free update from XP to the new version while you can have tabbed browsing for free. edit: i thought it was called MSWinPOS
  19. i don't teach creationism in my church
  20. my web page?
  21. iirc, they have to worry about knives more than guns.
  22. ydoaPs

    Gh3y Field

    is research into the gh3y field really frightening?
  23. ydoaPs


    you don't count if you ignore evidence.
  24. ydoaPs

    Gh3y Field

    <RICHARDBATTY> shame you cant jam the field <Gilded> It's being currently studied though <yourdadonapogos> perhaps if we could generate an anti-gh3y field, we might be able to study it more safely <yourdadonapogos> has anyone been able to produce an anti-swedon? <Gilded> The only real concern here is the Village People and their popularity's relation to the overall energy of the Swedon <RICHARDBATTY> if you had a good ghey reflecter and surounded the field the intensity should build and you hve a ghey bomb <Gilded> Because if Village People becomes infinitely popular, the universe will collapse under an infinite Ghey-field <Gilded> RICH, United Nations prohibits the use of Ghey-weaponry, it's just too inhuman <RICHARDBATTY> drop the bomb the mirror breaks unleashing an intense ghey field upon you enemys <RICHARDBATTY> they all go get indian outfits <RICHARDBATTY> cop out fits <RICHARDBATTY> etc <RICHARDBATTY> and we win <Gilded> A promising field of research is the Martha Stewart -field which seems to reflect all sexually charged particles <Gilded> However, even seconds under a heavy Martha Stewart flux can cause your brain to go on Infinite Knitting mode for an indefinate time, possibly the rest of your life <Klaynos> sometimes I am genuinly scared <Gilded> *Yawn* <RICHARDBATTY> hmm i wonder if a gaser weapon is possible <Gilded> It is fairly easy to stimulate a compound called backstreetboysonite with very ghey music to have it raise to a super-high level of gheyness <Gilded> And then emit high-energy Ghey-particles <Gilded> Or Swedons, as the proper name goes
  25. ydoaPs

    Gh3y Field

    <Gilded> RICH, this has been studied by placing several straight persons in the same room as Village People, but so far all test subjects have died due to a nervous breakdown caused by the sudden desire to leave their girlfriends and wives and buy LOTS of Village People merchandise <RICHARDBATTY> if super colled would it for some sort of condensate <yourdadonapogos> is there any way to block this gh3y field? <RICHARDBATTY> i was thinking more like a poodle is just a sad dog but becomes very ghey when in proximity to a ghey field <Gilded> A protective layer of hetero pr0n DVDs has been used and is still used in some test facilities <Gilded> RICH, if the subject is unsure of his sexual orientation they can be very vulnerable to the devastating effect of the Ghey-field <Gilded> Normally a plate armor of three DVD-layers is used <Gilded> This is rather costy as you have to use high-grade professional pr0n
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