<RICHARDBATTY> shame you cant jam the field
<Gilded> It's being currently studied though
<yourdadonapogos> perhaps if we could generate an anti-gh3y field, we might be able to study it more safely
<yourdadonapogos> has anyone been able to produce an anti-swedon?
<Gilded> The only real concern here is the Village People and their popularity's relation to the overall energy of the Swedon
<RICHARDBATTY> if you had a good ghey reflecter and surounded the field the intensity should build and you hve a ghey bomb
<Gilded> Because if Village People becomes infinitely popular, the universe will collapse under an infinite Ghey-field
<Gilded> RICH, United Nations prohibits the use of Ghey-weaponry, it's just too inhuman
<RICHARDBATTY> drop the bomb the mirror breaks unleashing an intense ghey field upon you enemys
<RICHARDBATTY> they all go get indian outfits
<RICHARDBATTY> cop out fits
<RICHARDBATTY> and we win
<Gilded> A promising field of research is the Martha Stewart -field which seems to reflect all sexually charged particles
<Gilded> However, even seconds under a heavy Martha Stewart flux can cause your brain to go on Infinite Knitting mode for an indefinate time, possibly the rest of your life
<Klaynos> sometimes I am genuinly scared
<Gilded> *Yawn*
<RICHARDBATTY> hmm i wonder if a gaser weapon is possible
<Gilded> It is fairly easy to stimulate a compound called backstreetboysonite with very ghey music to have it raise to a super-high level of gheyness
<Gilded> And then emit high-energy Ghey-particles
<Gilded> Or Swedons, as the proper name goes