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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs


    the only computer games i play(minesweeper and such) are on the distribution that i am looking at(knoppix).
  2. anything you see at abovetopsecret is most likely a steaming pile of feces covered in cheesewhiz.
  3. ydoaPs


    I hate MS. I already scrapped IE and am considering changing my OS from MS to Linux. What are the pros and cons to changing to Linux?
  4. http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com
  5. so it was electrons bouncing off the atoms instead of photons. does that make it less valid?
  6. boyhitscar.com
  7. no, there is not a physical wall.
  8. ydoaPs

    Firefly food?

    i remember doing that...
  9. aren't you contradicting yourself there? for the sake of everyone's sanity, don't
  10. with this analogy, the surface of the ballon is the universe, not the air. think 2-sphere.
  11. think of it like a balloon. you blow it up and the surface expands, but there is no center of the expansion.
  12. is this ones that have been shown to be true or ones that are older than 20 years and haven't been proven true?
  13. bubbles are only for use in GD.
  14. the real reason for the holocaust.
  15. either "God is now here" or "God is nowhere."
  16. ydoaPs


    yes. and area of the surface of an n-sphere.
  17. ydoaPs


    if the equation of an n-sphere is [math]\sum_{i=1}^{n+1} (x_i-c_i)^2=r^2[/math], what is the volume of said n-sphere?
  18. ydoaPs


    each equation only makes half a sphere. the spheres meet at the x-y plane. maybe that has something to do with it
  19. could you please elaborate how newton predicts gravity wave?
  20. ydoaPs


    it didn't work
  21. it is correct anyway
  22. ydoaPs


  23. ydoaPs


    it is the x-y plane as i said in my last post.
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