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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. http://www.google.com/search?q=food+pyramid&sourceid=mozilla-search&start=0&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official
  2. it doesn't neccesarily disappear. it could be that only it's affect(gravity) disappears.
  3. ydoaPs


  4. ydoaPs


    i tried to graph a 2-sphere, but it didn't work. equations had to be in terms of z, so i had to use: [imath]z=\sqrt{-x^2-y^2+9}[/imath] and [imath]z=-\sqrt{-x^2-y^2+9}[/imath]. i thought that would give me a 2-sphere at the origin with a radius of 3, but it didn't. i got: . what did i do wrong? the split is along the x y plane. if it matters, this is my first try at using graphcalc.
  5. ydoaPs


    i was speaking of the curve itself. the aplitude is not a part of the curve it is a property of the curve that is used to determine its shape. edit: your "3-d sine wave" is only two dimensional. it has no thickness
  6. Floccinaucinihilipilification
  7. ydoaPs


    so, if c, r, and x are real numbers, then the equation of a 0-sphere is |x-c|=r. the equation of a 1-sphere is [imath](x-h)^2+(y-k)^2=r^2[/imath] where (h, k) is the center and r is the radius. what is the equation for a 2-sphere? is there a general equation for a n-sphere?
  8. ydoaPs


    both sine waves and circles are one dimensional. they only have length. a two-sphere is like the surface of a ball, but it has no thickness.
  9. you could probably download a virtual ti-89 online
  10. ydoaPs


    you still have yet to define death. there are multiple medical definitions of death.
  11. ydoaPs


    i'm stupid, i was thinking in two dimensions....i got it now...i think
  12. ydoaPs


    what is c?
  13. ydoaPs


    so, is it IN 1 dimension but IS 0-dimensional? that still leaves the question of how you know which points
  14. ydoaPs


    i have no idea what anything above a 2-sphere would look like. a 2-sphere is like the surface of a ball. a 1-sphere is a circle. a 0-sphere is two points. why is a 0-sphere two points? i would have thought that a 0-sphere would be nothing since it is the set of all points a certain distance from the center in zero dimensions. how do you know which two points the sphere is?
  15. ydoaPs


    wow, stories...now i'm convinced. that is the best evidence ever.
  16. i think you may end up getting an award.
  17. you're not actually serious, are you?
  18. wow, a couple of real geniuses. "hey guys, lets inhale some unknown chemical compounds!"
  19. ydoaPs


    so, herme3, why can't you actually see the ghosts? it seems to me that if they show up on the camera, they would more than likely be visible to your eyes.
  20. ydoaPs


    people live decades after their heart stops beating...try again...
  21. ydoaPs


    it depends on what your definition of death is.
  22. ydoaPs


    no. resident evil is bad for you....or was that 28 days later?
  23. i wouldn't call not bruising a problem...
  24. don't forget about the spaghetti monster
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