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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. why do you need to hide it?
  2. ydoaPs


    i am not against creationists, per say. i am against their stupic tactics. no matter what you believe, creationism is not science. it has no proof. not even any evidence. edit: if you want to learn more, check out my latest thread... http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=12849
  3. ydoaPs


    stories are not evidence, they are just stories. that is what science is.
  4. When I use the term "creationist" I mean people to which any of the following websites apply: http://www.reandev.com/taliban/ http://drdino.com/ http://emporium.turnpike.net/C/cs/ http://www.icr.org/ http://www.creationresearch.org/ http://www.creationscience.com/onlinebook/ http://www.talkorigins.org/ http://www.answersingenesis.org/ that is just the tip of the iceberg. signs of a creationist(besides the obvious): personal attacks ignoring evidence using flat out lies as evidence using the bible as evidence(bible isn't even a resource in english papers) using a lack of evidence as evidence strawman flame troll give the "i'm brainwashed" vibe have no clue what the big bang or evolution actually say(and in many cases can't tell the difference) spam tending towards gullibility so far, i have found this to be really accurate. (that's how i knew, herme3 ) if i missed some, just add your own.
  5. ydoaPs


    you didn't bring up any such questions. you didn't even make a valid point. all you did was pull the standard creationist crap.
  6. ydoaPs


    ok, give us any proof or evidence at all for ghosts. go ahead, do it.
  7. ydoaPs


    not if you pull that "ignore all evidence" crap. you wouldn't happen to be a creationist, by any chance, would you? anyway, you can't prove it is either. and she's NOT MY SISTER!!!
  8. what is wrong with James Randi?
  9. gravity doesn't have muscles, why would it get tired?
  10. ydoaPs


    no, it's imitation spam
  11. ydoaPs


    i kept looking. i eventually found noodles. :D mmm, noodles. :D i like noodles
  12. ydoaPs


    idk and idk. i found it in the cabinet. from the ingredients, it looks like it is what is left over from hotdog manufacture....yummy
  13. ydoaPs


    i was rummaging through the cabinets looking for something edible and i found this tastey treat...looks good.
  14. pi([math]\pi[/math] or [math]\Pi[/math]) is \pi or \Pi, but if you want it for multiplication it is \prod [math]\prod[/math]. there should be a [math]\LaTeX[/math] tutorial stickyd somewhere
  15. [math]\LaTeX[/math] tags. [ math ]...[ /math ] without the spaces
  16. yes, when i was in grade school. it doesn't work. btw, it isn't just her name. you are supposed to say "bloody mary i got your baby" three times. i know it isn't grammatically correct, but that it the tale. http://www.mythology.com/bloodymary.html or you could look up Mary Tudor
  17. we have a circle: [math](x-h)^2+(y-k)^2=r^2[/math] where (h,k) is the center and r is the radius. we now spin the circle about an axis that is perpendicular to the plane on which the circle lies and it runs through the center of said circle. gravity contracts length (and my the equivelance principle, so does acceleration), so as the 1-sphere spins about the axis, the distance between any two points on it decreases while the radius stays the same. since [math]\pi=\frac{c}{2r}[/math], where c is circumference and r is radius, [math]\pi[/math] no longer is a constant. the circle shrinks, but the radius stays the same. this change in geometry may affect how a string vibrates. that would make a predictable change the properties of the particle. so, my test would be to spin particles as fast as possible looking for a change in properties. if the predicted changes occur, then that is evidence in string theory's favor. what do you think?
  18. eh, mostly...there is that one where the woman jumps off the building and they play circus music in the background that video is graphic. they have this one scene where a cult takes a woman into a woods and attempts to chop of her head with a knife while she is still alive. only, they carve up her face first... not for small children
  19. creationists often say that evolution is wrong because there are no transitional species. i can immediately see two things wrong with this: 1)lack of evidence is not evidence 2)all species are transitional species, right? note: this is a scientific thread, not religious.
  20. Faces of Death is illegal in many states and foriegn countries. it is video of people actually killing other people.
  21. ydoaPs


  22. can't outrun a missile:D
  23. i don't remember, i think it may have. i mean, they even made one about rumplestiltskin(worst horror movie ever...funny, though)
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