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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. all i know is that it was a story we told each other when we were children. i guess it was supposed to be scary. i think there may have been a horror movie about it as well.
  2. ydoaPs


    hmm, when i view the image, it says lenin
  3. i once played super smash brothers and it was totally gay. the only redeeming quality was that i could use samus to beat the crap out of that little gay yellow thing from pokemon.
  4. ydoaPs


    that is why they were invisible to him. cap, looks like some sort of stain...although i'm not quite sure what i am looking at.
  5. ha! that's better than "it isn't?" thanx for the laugh
  6. particles states are undetermined until they are forced to be. until an interaction, a particle only has a probability of having any state.
  7. no, that's not what i meant. the cat represents the particle and the observation represents another particle interacting with the first.
  8. ...wow... herme3, did you know that "gullible" isn't in the dictionary.
  9. the point of the experiment is that a particle is in multiple states until it interacts with another particle.
  10. ydoaPs


    didn't you read his theory? they are only invisible to people who aren't flying.
  11. effeciency past 100% is nonsensical...like an infinite probability of something happening...
  12. what? santa isn't real?!
  13. no, look at your definition of a hypothesis. dude, thow away ur dictionary.
  14. edit: we need a delete post feature
  15. why must you always make such long, pointless posts?
  16. oops! i guess i must be too drunk to read again.
  17. and has been at work while i was staying up all night, oops, morning watching Dark Angel reruns. he did my dirty work for me. thanx Sayo
  18. if you would look, none of my posts are about the topic of his spam.
  19. he said nothing of the credibility of Mythbusters
  20. you should read what sayo said about creationists...pretty much a rule of thumb.
  21. i see the closing of the other threads and your warning haven't stopped your spamfest.
  22. Sayo: tellin' it like it is
  23. the bible doesn't even count as a reference for high school research papers. it has been changed at will by the catholic church. use the search function and look up "theory"
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