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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. a stereotypical creationist who doesn't use the bible, but ramndom quotes that are out of context....odd. you have even less to go on than the other creationists...funny people today
  2. i'm not gonna touch this one. "silly creationist, the bible is for kids"
  3. no, it's math. not an assumption. "Silly creationist, the Bible is for kids" biblical evidence is not evidence. you seem to not know the definition of a theory. a theory is not just a wild guess.
  4. but he claims it is a theory
  5. sweet! Martin, thank you for the links.
  6. no proof=no theory
  7. Do you have ANY evidence, proof, mathematics, or even logical thought processes that lead to this? Once again, what does this "theory" predict? http://www.scienceforums.net/forums...ead.php?t=11529
  8. ok, what does your "theory" predict? using math, what was the universe like before the big bang?
  9. turned 17 in april
  10. i saw on CSI, some guy used frozen meat bullets. i'm not sure if that would work, though.
  11. haha!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're a very funny guy, you know that? there is a difference between time and the measurement of time.
  12. thanks for the laugh
  13. i accidently did that once. my lamp fell of the shelf and went down the stairs. the wires got pulled out. the positive and negative touched, i saw a brilliant flash, then the power went out.
  14. 1)he knows more than you do, so drop the arrogance. 2)a popscience book is not a technical resource. 3) where does the "And BTW just because you know what Einstein has said doesn't make you anybody dad." come from?
  15. what the hell is that supposed to mean?
  16. WTF? you just flat out told a resident physics expert that he was wrong and you r "reasoning" is just a nonsensical technobabble phrase.
  17. never heard that before. nuke to take out a bridge...kinda overkill, eh?
  18. there are hotdogs in packs of ten and buns in packs of 8 as well.
  19. not a conspiracy theory...it's true
  20. the circumference shrinks and the radius stays the same.
  21. http://www.propagandamatrix.com/articles/july2005/060705controlleddemolition.htm
  22. yea, it just does. i have a car. i buy another car. how many cars do i have now?
  23. and neither are mutually exlusive with intelligent design, no matter what creationist tell you.
  24. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=11529 man, that thread needs a sticky
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