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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs

    orange juice

    do you like pulp in your orange juice? we asked people at the fair, and only 5 people liked pulp in their orange juice.
  2. actually, mass isn't even needed. energy causes gravity as well.
  3. gravity is a result of mass, not the cause of it.
  4. duh, spaghetti monster...have you not read the thread?
  5. i'v just blind and didn't see that he added a variable. i was thinking in two dimensions.
  6. no, i quoted a passage from TFOTC that said if the higgs field supercooled, it could have caused the expansion of the universe...where did i quote it at...
  7. ydoaPs


    it's actually only as long as my index finger...seriously...
  8. Phi is lying...he is posting from prison...
  9. yea.
  10. can you tell me why a Higgs field could produce negative energy if it is supercooled?
  11. and it's possible moons
  12. Phi is a work in progress.
  13. Benson doesn't know that PhysicsForums has been cheating as well.
  14. yea ewww...fagel may be gay, but i am definitely not homosexual.
  15. intell. design if it is the spaghetti monster theory. i wanted to see medicine+evolution=weaker human race
  16. i love gothic penguins http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=i_love_gothic_penguins
  17. it is a sweet smell
  18. ydoaPs


  19. ydoaPs


    new entries to my collection of sharp objects:
  20. ydoaPs


    i know ninja's don't use them anymore, but damn if they're not cool
  21. my buddy over at physicsforums said it is [math] \oint_A \mathbf{E} \cdot d\mathbf{A} = 4 \pi G M [/math]
  22. In My Memory appearently likes Superman.
  23. IMM has 222 posts. dude, PhysicsForums has 5 pages already on this game.
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