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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. irrefutable proof of the spaghetti monster. take that, evolution!
  2. a meteroite would make it stronger edit: 2000th post for me!
  3. more examples wont change his mind.
  4. that was just an example. g for the moon is [imath]g=-G{\frac{M}{r^2}}[/imath] where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the moon, and r is the average radius of the moon
  5. .9255156037 according to my TI-83+
  6. hmm, gravity is always negative. hence, -9.81m/s/s. unless you change ur orientation.
  7. i don't think he did. may the all powerful spaghetti monster smite him.
  8. that's cool. if only we had FTL capabilities...
  9. was that your shortest post?
  10. what are you planning to do?
  11. i love it...might get a t-shirt.
  12. it's raining. i can tell when it's going to rain, but no one ever believes me. even when they see me tell them it is going to rain and tit starts raining like thirty minutes later, they say it is coincidence. it's rather easy to do. temp change+humidity+sweet smell=rain. the thing that gets people is the smell. appearently, not everyone can smell it(iirc, it's ozone). i remember hearing about native american shaman could smell when the rain was coming. maybe me being a decendant of native american great grandparents gives me a higher sensitivity to that perticular smell. anyway, i was right again.
  13. ydoaPs


    figure 5.1 is a picture of the computer image that the elevator and Greene were on in the clip.
  14. ydoaPs


    at the end, "left and right...front and back...before and after..." it was worded differently in the book, but you get the idea.
  15. ydoaPs


    hour 2 chapter 1
  16. ydoaPs


  17. ydoaPs


    iirc, it has to do with uncertainty and warping of spacetime. i saw it on nova's the elegant universe. iirc, it was in the book as well.
  18. ydoaPs


    i calculated my wavelength when wlaking across a room and it is pretty close to the plank lenth. that makes me think that the earth's wavelength will be smaller. that doesn't make sense. doesn't length have pretty much no meaning under the plank length?
  19. i asked because of the caption. i have a short attention span sometimes, so i didn't read the whole article yet. i have to break it up when that happens.
  20. ydoaPs


    i haven't done collisions since first semester, so i'm not sure which equation to use. i used m1v1=m2v2 and got the velocity to be [math]v=\frac{{\mathbb{B}}Il}{\Delta{t}m_{magnet}}[/math]. i don't think i used the right one, but i can't remember the other one. help would be appreciated [edit] crap, i forgot about the spring anyway. what is it? [math]F=kx[/math]?[/edit]
  21. http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?chanID=sa006&articleID=000005FC-2927-12B3-A92783414B7F0000&pageNumber=2&catID=2
  22. well, this is the pseudoscience forum.
  23. if they're anything like geese, then i don't want to ever even see one in person...memories...bad memories...[insert psychotic break here]
  24. the same goes for you, abeefaria...and everyone else.
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