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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. I'm not as think as you drunk I am.
  2. hmm, moving through space is absolute....you and your buddy each have spaceships. you both feel no gravity. you pass each other. who was moving?
  3. spend $100 million to get $10 million...hmm...
  4. he did? suborbital flight, woo hoo.
  5. ydoaPs


    it's fun but rather easy. it only took a couple of hours to beat.
  6. ydoaPs

    the meatrix

  7. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=12359
  8. ydoaPs


    a really nasty one is urinating on the interior of the vehicle. one of my friends did it to a child molester's ice cream truck.
  9. ydoaPs


    i rented the batman begins game. it was really easy, but one part made me mad. the ninjas had guns. what is up with that?
  10. no, not another "relativity is wrong because it is counterintuitive to me" person.
  11. big bang wasn't the beginning. a spaceless place is a contradiction of terms. if the universe needs an arena, then why doesn't the universes arena need an arena? it goes on like that forever. simply put, space doesn't need a place to be.
  12. hmmm, ur at the center of the big bang. it's like a balloon with dots drawn on it. blow it up and it expands, but there is no center of expansion. our universe is similer to the 2 dimensional surface of the balloon. eg, no center.
  13. like yt said, it's not like they put hydrogen in bottles or a gass tank. hydrides are used, well at least for UnitedNuclear.
  14. if you would look to see what forum this thread is in, you would probably guess black hole.
  15. solar power
  16. that movie was crap! it was just a combination of psuedoscience and new age religion. they threw around the words "quantum mechanics" every few seconds, but i think the only person on the show that had any idea about it was the kid on the basketball court.
  17. no it isn't. vader is sucky at 20 questions.
  18. i rented it today. i'll watch it when i wake up.
  19. ydoaPs


    you have said in more than one post "gravity is a misconception." what do you mean by that statement?
  20. ydoaPs


    it's been broken since the new style was started.
  21. if pressed, you could rig up a bike with some magnets and some wire:)
  22. hmm, try electric generators. electolysis, it's slow, but gets the job done. http://www.unitednuclear.com/h2.htm
  23. "christians don't believe in gravity."-Peter Griffin "my hand touched her hand. her hand touched her boob. by the transitive property, i got some boob. algebra is awesome!"-Steve Smith
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