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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. i don't go to basic until july 18, 2006.
  2. no, it's not. read how it works.
  3. already signed up. [math]E^2=(mc^2)^2+(pc)^2[/math]
  4. well others also think [imath]E=mc^2[/imath]
  5. hasn't there already been a thread on this? you can look at it and see that the top one isn't even a triangle.
  6. actually, that can be simplified more: [math]m={p}\frac{\sqrt{v^2-c^2}}{c^2}[/math]
  7. it did not repeat. yes, the batmobile rocks. Batman Begins--pimp.
  8. grr, time DID exist before the big bang.
  9. bettina, i made a big bang thread to continue this conversation. if you have any specific questions, ask them there. i have presented a cursory overview there.
  10. this is to stop the tangent in the parallel universe thread. the big bang was not the beginning of the universe. it says nothing of what banged, why it banged, how it banged, or where it came from. all it says is that at one point in universal history there was a rapid expansion from an extremely dense state. at this point, physics breaks down at the singularity, so right now we can't know much more than what i just said.
  11. i already did. read my previous posts in this thread.
  12. saw Batman Begins. it is quite good. i liked it. i like good movies.
  13. man, i have to wait till next january to go to basic
  14. say mass doesn't directly bend spacetime. say the graviton is what actually bends spacetime. massive particles just emit gravitons. the farther the gravitons get from the source, the more spread out they are, therefore the force is weaker (which makes sense, with the inverse-square law). gravitons don't need to be absorbed, they just are emmitted. i am guessing the mass would determine the graviton emmission rate. i wouldn't even know how to start making equations to compare to gr. i don't even know how to do tensor calculus, so i couldn't compare with gr if i had the equations. there is probably some qm stuff that i need to factor in. this is just a base idea for now. in the diagram, there are two objects with different masses. the green lines are graviton paths.
  15. it is just one article that isn't completely correct.
  16. ydoaPs

    Warning System

    we should have an excessive horrible spag warning.
  17. kinda wasteful
  18. that's how they work. equal and opposite reations.
  19. dude, [imath]\sum{\mathbb{F}}=0[/imath] ideally, but there's friction and such. you push something, it pushes back. no need to google.
  20. the trig funtions are ratios. angles describe rotation. and radians are used in SI, hence the appearnce of [imath]2\pi[/imath] in many formulas.
  21. equation for photon mass if photons didn't move at c: [math]m=\frac{h{\sqrt{v^2-c^2}}}{\lambda{c^2}}[/math]
  22. as for the photon having mass, i have an equation about that. i will look for it.
  23. how is an angle dimensionless? i don't understand what you mean.
  24. how so?
  25. i am not sure about the cars, but the big trucks that carried the robots did.
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