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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. i cry, for i was like that when i started...
  2. no, angles have units. for SI, we use radians
  3. are the labels in english or a made up alien language?
  4. from Phi's link
  5. jewish ninjas...http://www.merriol.freeserve.co.uk/products/ninja.htm
  6. screw IE. use firefox.
  7. he doesn't need to. he's right.
  8. anyone can post/edit wikipedia, so i wouldn't suggest on relying on it too heavily. in this case, it isn't right. the big bang says nothing about what banged, how it banged, why it banged, or where it came from.
  9. won't work where the field goes straight up even if the field were strong enough. force is perpendicular to orientation fo the field.
  10. he could have put up more of a fight.[hide] he was taken down very easily, both times.[/hide]
  11. no, it didn't. big bang says nothing about the creation of the universe.
  12. i wanted scarecrow to be a bigger part of the movie, but it didn't happen. his is one of my favourite characters and they made him a wimp.
  13. i think it would be better if we had a "today's posts" option when we are logged in
  14. really, would you mind reading your first post in this thread?
  15. ok, the previous two were piles of crap. the first two were good. i may get beaten for saying this, but i liked Batman Begins better than Batman. as for pics, go to http://www.batmanbegins.com
  16. my problems with him are that he continues to argue with people who know more than him about the subject even AFTER HE WAS SHOWN TO BE WRONG MORE THN ONCE and that he has a tendancy to hijack threads for his evil schemes.
  17. i urge you to stay as well. johnny was probably banned because this isn't the first, second, or even third time he relentlessly argues with a resident expert after being shown wrong several times. he has also on several occasions "hijacked" thread to do his evil deeds.
  18. 1. huh? 2. what proof?
  19. my enlistment bonus is $9,200 before taxes and i leave basic with a pay grade of E-3. my reenlistment bonus is $100,000 before taxes. i got swore in today. and i did MEPS, so i am DEP until july 18, 2006.
  20. I am going to the Hilton tommarrow and Wednesday I go to MEPS.
  21. play a regular level
  22. there is a difference between inteligence and being able to send a signal into space.
  23. iodine from the salt?
  24. ydoaPs


    i found a book called Topology Essentials http://bordersstores.com/search/title_detail.jsp?id=3816165&srchTerms=topology+essentials&mediaType=1&srchType=Keyword. i am going to order that and Schuam's Outline of General Topology http://bordersstores.com/search/title_detail.jsp?id=2303185&srchTerms=topology+general&mediaType=1&srchType=Keyword. the first book looks like it should help me with all of the stuff that Dave and Tom said i should know first. edit: I am not ordering them until monday, because i have 7 on 7 at Greensburg today and the linemen challenge.
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