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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. i missed the part about roots
  2. that would need an ace:[imath]8^{\frac{1}{3}}*7-4=10[/imath], right?
  3. [math]i{\hbar}\frac{\partial}{{\partial}t}\Psi(r,t)=-\frac{{\hbar}^2}{2m}\Delta{\Psi}(r,t)[/math]
  4. there are certain high level classes that are labeled "AP" which stands for Advanced Placement. at the end of the course, there is a test over everything that you learned in said course.
  5. ydoaPs


    i would like some examples. it is probably a good idea to see what i am getting myself into. could you also give a list of things beyond calculus that i should check out before i start?
  6. ydoaPs


    tommarrow, i am going to order some books and i need some information: i already have a background in differentiation and integration. what do i need to know before topology? is differential geometry before or after or the same as topology? any reccomendations on books would be nice as well.
  7. iirc, matter, and all exchange particles, excluding the graviton, are open strings and are therefore stuck to our brane.
  8. ydoaPs


    http://users.adelphia.net/~lilavois/Crackpots/notorious.htm almost as good as the final theory.
  9. it's a plasma. there's ur answer.
  10. ydoaPs

    SFN Classroom...

    sounds good. i tried to get someone to sticky the calc lessons, but no one listened.
  11. ydoaPs


    i guess no one has found such a site. too bad, would be nice to have.
  12. that was what i was thinking.
  13. calm down, please. edit: just saw your sig, i guess you've read most of his threads and threads he has hijacked.
  14. ydoaPs


  15. no, it just went back to a burn.
  16. ydoaPs


    a magnetic field is located north to south accross the z axis. a wire runs accross the x axis and is attatched to the source of the magnetism in such a way that the wire will not bend. a current is applied to the wire which makes a force on the y axis from the equation [imath]\mathbb{F}=\mathbb{B}{I}l[/imath]. if the wire cannot bend, will the force move the magnet as well or will it just try to bend the wire?
  17. ydoaPs


    where can i get some good math/science t-shirts. i looked at thinkgeek.com, but they don't have too many options. at school, i saw a girl wearing a shirt that had a kid spray painting a sine curve on a brick wall and the caption said "gang sines." i am looking for shirts like that or Swanson's cartoons. or perhaps something simple, yet geeky like 2b\/~2b. i saw one on the net(warning, kinda inappropriate) that said [imath]\int{e^x}=f(u)^n[/imath]. i am looking for witty, math/science shirts. please help.
  18. http://www.setileague.org/general/drake.htm drake equation...life...google...
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma
  20. medicine makes the human race weaker
  21. ydoaPs


    yea, 99% on Physics exam. Woot!
  22. haiku is pointless? i do not think that is true. haiku to relax.
  23. bob no like haiku. haiku is for cool kids. bob is not that cool.
  24. ydoaPs


    PlanetMath and Wikipedia are good if you are looking for information of a single specific subject. I am looking for a website that is like those, but different. I am looking for a website where you can type in a subject, and an index shows up. The index would be like an outline for a class in the subject. Click on a link and you get a lesson. Does anyone know of a website like this? Your help would be appreciated.
  25. basically, everything is relative, but c. what you are talking about is probably [imath]E^2=(mc^2)^2+({\rho}c)^2[/imath]
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