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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. no it isn't tangental. if he didn't post it, i would have. there was a time when there was more than one intelligent hominid species on the earth. our ancestors just happened to be slightly better or perhaps just lucky. although, i did hear something about a prehistoric interspecies war. i think it was on discovery channel, though.
  2. this question seems quite pointless in that the probability for them to speak any of the languages spoken on earth is very VERY low.
  3. i like both the ideas and the math. i am not at the right level for the maths yet, but i am starting. when i get some more money, i am going to get some more math books(that is after i buy some stabities).
  4. post 13 seems to dissagree with you.
  5. after you beat all the special levels, all of the turtles turn into men.
  6. i burned my hand while grilling a few days ago. it looks like fresh scar tissue. after football practice this morning, it was like a blister. a few minutes later, it was back to looking like scar tissue. what caused the change? at first, i thought that it was from elevated heart rate, but it wasn't throbbing. kinda wierd.
  7. ydoaPs


    one time i went to the store and asked them if they had dihydrogen monoxide and they had no clue what i was talking about.
  8. "the first duty" is one of my favourite episodes. i remember the baryon sweep thing. the first time i saw that episode, i kinda chuckled. the baryon sweep would be dangerous, considering there would be no ship left after said sweep.
  9. what kind of things did you suggest?
  10. don't particles have to have energy? e=mc^2, ZPE, and such?
  11. who says he doesn't?
  12. too bad it's sunday
  13. [math]\sum[/math] means sum. like [math]\sum_{j=1}^{k}x_j=x_1+x_2+x_3+...+x_k[/math]. [math]\prod[/math] is product
  14. already have digital cable
  15. i would have just used L and let it cancel itself out.
  16. http://bordersstores.com/search/search.jsp?srchTerms=spinor&mediaType=1&srchType=Keyword http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-form/103-2641169-9619032 you can get them online or , at borders, you can order and reserve them and pick them up at the store. the nearest big bookstore is 30 or so miles away, so i use a small store in town called "Three Sisters Books and Gifts." i give them the ISBN and they order it for me. perhaps you can do the same thing with a local bookstore.
  17. why would you assign a value?
  18. iirc, old periodic tables had Neutronium before H.
  19. i finally convinced my parents to get high speed internet. whcih is better, dsl or cable?
  20. i will. [math]t=\frac{t_0}{\sqrt{1-\frac{V_2}{c^2}}}[/math]
  21. it moves slower. use the search function and search for "time dilation"
  22. didn't we start a sfn wiki-esque dealy a while ago?
  23. ydoaPs

    Dead dog.

    finally, i can get revenge for what the dolphins did to me! reverse, we're going to the zoo.
  24. cheating is bad.
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