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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. they just changed them a while ago.
  2. i would have thought either log or ~tree
  3. you have an apple. you cut it into two equal parts and give a friend one part. how many apples do you have now?
  4. no, it just smelled bad.
  5. how far along are you on the diagram tutorial?
  6. not only is my school psycho, but the town is too. http://wthr.com/Global/story.asp?S=3417414&nav=9TahaWug car chase and hostage situation at truck stop
  7. water is one of the wierd compounds that gets bigger as it freezes. same mass with different volume means different density.
  8. let me try to rephrase the question: how close to [imath]\sqrt{2}[/imath] is the length of the diagonal of a square with sides having a length of exactly 1 unit?
  9. too many chances for there not to be.
  10. sorry, that was [math]\sum_{k=1}^{n}k[/math] instead of [math]\prod_{k=1}^{n}k[/math]
  11. fetal pig disection(we don't have any cool labs in physics class)
  12. then what is it? how far does reality go before it rounds, two significant digits, three, 83?
  13. [math]n!=n\frac{n+1}{2}[/math]
  14. i can see most of them, but some are wacked out with the error stuff.
  15. no, i was just typing fast and had a wierd day. i meant radius. sorry for the confusion.
  16. [math](x-h)^2+(y-k)^2=r^2[/math] (h,k) is the centre and r is the vertex.
  17. what exactly is a jewish afro?
  18. find where the first derivative = 0. i think you may have seen it as -b\2.
  19. brown hair and eyes. bout 2 meters tall and VERY good looking:D i want a pogostick that is also a lightsaber.
  20. did they add that feature to the new style? iirc, we used to be able to edit at any time.
  21. i have noticed that the magnitude of the gravitational field vector, [math]\G[/math], is equal to g at that point. does that mean that magnitudes of [math]\B[/math] and [math]\E[/math] are equal to the acceleration due to magnetism and electric fields, respectively, at a point?
  22. i like how you can see lasers. i guess space must be filled with a gas that isn't visible, yet still makes laser light visible.
  23. haiku-down again. i decided to bump it. don't you like haiku?
  24. startrek gets close sometimes
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