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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. i got another one: i cupped my hands, filled them with water, and grabbed an electric fence.
  2. ydoaPs


    my history final only had like 2 supreme court cases on it. it was fairly easy. well, "school's out for summer..."
  3. um...very slowly. it isn't really all that new. basically, a gas is charged and electric plates shoot the plasma out the back, iirc. it is a slow acceleration, but a constant one as opposed to the fast, short acceleration of a conventional rocket.
  4. ydoaPs


    crap! US history tommarrow! there are like 57 billion supreme court cases that i need to know. and many many presidential modus operandi. and much much more. i am so gonna fail this test.
  5. and we make fun of them
  6. not on my DVD, iirc. subtitles rule!
  7. it was vader and you forgot about yoda.
  8. i am just over 2 meters tall, i a have light brown crew cut, and brown/green eyes
  9. [joke]stupidest thing i have ever done...that's probably alicia:D[/joke] it was either the time i jumped off the top of the siloh or when i caught the corn field on fire.
  10. jeans and t-shirt
  11. secretive-covert pervert
  12. he seems to think that radical religious groups, that go against their religion to attempt to desamate anyone that looks at them crosseyed, are civilised.
  13. ydoaPs


    that was what i was trying to say
  14. any character like JarJar MUST die!
  15. with dilated time:D shouldn't that be in the flash GAME thread, not the flash MOVIE thread?
  16. no, no it's not.
  17. i took spanish1 thiss year and i am better than most spanish3 students in my school. i used to do russian at a russian1 level, but i got too busy.
  18. that is great. where did you get it?
  19. sayo could be the sith lord and blike could be a luke-esque character. i would be happy to be a pogostick riding wookie.
  20. ydoaPs


    it is not slowing down. it still goes at c. it just gets absorbed and reemitted. it stops and starts several times, making it look like it slows down by taking longer to cross certain region of spacetime.
  21. wicker-wood hood
  22. two words: Hayden Christensen
  23. he should have been gutted like a fish.
  24. dak, my thoughts exactly
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