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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. a nice feature of this site is the search function.
  2. it scares me that you know their names.
  3. i just got back from the movies. it wasn't too bad(much better than I and II), but Jar Jar didn't die and they had this gay crap at the end about that one dude coming back to life. i guess that was supposed to explain the obiwan hologram thingy in V and VI. school starts in like four hours, so i am off to bed.
  4. ydoaPs

    Warning System

    yea, pretty much. phi, i'm gonna have to report you for advertising.
  5. can you do me a favor by using at least some punctuation?
  6. ydoaPs

    Warning System

    the first think i saw was the table. i almost had a heart attack until i saw that it was just a list of the offenses and thier associated point values.
  7. thankya. thought it was him, but wasn't sure.
  8. "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"-don't remember
  9. koran flushed down the toilet or not.
  10. MacNizzle's in da hiz-ouse! wica-wicaty-wack my turn to spit: after you read this, ur gonna need hip-hop anonymous. my ryhes is tight, cuz i be a sequipedalian. i don't need no grammer; i just be ramblin'. peepz got more facades than greek hypocrites, they so scared, for they can't touch this. yea, a slant rhyme: what u wantin? u can't take dis; u just be front'n. *drops mic* wica-wicaty-wack. don't mess wit da Mac.
  11. ydoaPs

    Warning System

    i don't see it. is it on the profile or is it on every post and i am just blind?
  12. [jk]jon, ur so dumb.[/jk] stick around and you will learn a lot.
  13. PowerPoint, yo. homies can't touch this: apples are green and carrots are orange; then you go...then you go...uh, what rhymes with orange? i really am bad at this.
  14. dude, mine was cheap when it was like $85. i wouldn't get rid of mine for anything less than $50.
  15. the entire military is low on personel. they REALLY need nuke offs.
  16. i am. swansont, i know thats not how it is pronounced. it is a homer simpson quote. Nucular; It's pronounced nucular.
  17. in the sense of mv, it would be. in qm would it be? i think it would, because the difference in time would make a period longer/shorter which would change the wavelength thereby changing the momentum. in your frame of reference, do you have momentum? in classical physics, i would say no, but in qm, i would say yes. if momentum is relative, does that make energy relative? wait, thats a stupid question: m=m/(1-(v^2)/(c^2)).
  18. some of mine are the "28 known galaxies" from superman and space fizziks from just about any scifi movie(sound in space, fire, shock waves, everything being oriented in the same manner, ships sinking once hit in star wars...) o, cand the core. it was chock full of crap. post ur own favorites.
  19. that is so cool.
  20. can i use my army of mutant hamsters?
  21. i guess water is fictional now
  22. actually, uncle sam does want me(and i don't mean my mother's brother!). i kicked arse on the ASVAB. i was in the top 5 percent of everyone that took it.
  23. i have wierd handwriteing. when i print, you'd swear a girl wrote it. when i write, it is almost as sloppy as schrodingers'. wait, i take that last part back: it isn't anywhere near as messy as his, but it is fairly messy. my "writing" is messy, but not so much as to be illegible.
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