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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. quick question: after i am done with my "fizziks" training, will i be a "Resident Expert?"
  2. basically, june 15th i sign on the dotted line and take a physical. after that, i am officially a nuclear engineer. about a year later, i will be a nuclear officer. they make sure the enlisted guys know what they are doing and don't blow the ship up. before i become an officer, i will be doing things in theoretical propulsion systems and such. i design and operate nuclear reactors and much much more edit:i forgot to mention:$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  3. As of June 15, I will be a nuclear engineer for the United States Navy. Go me
  4. i already said that it occurs other than ftl. ur not 1 of those that think relativity is crap because it is counterintuitive, are you?
  5. not that i know of
  6. strings are thought to be larger than plank length
  7. well, your television uses basic qm. radios, ect.
  8. um, therin lies the problem. elementary particles are point particles(they have zero dimensions). iirc, the uncertainty of energy in a piece of spacetime smaller than planklenth causes extreme warpin such that space and time become meaningless. that is one of the reasons i like string theory, but many don't go for it and string theory in its current form seems more and more unlikely.
  9. ftl isn't the only thing with imaginaryness. i appears in the schrodinger equation for a free particle as well.
  10. [math]\LaTeX[/math] isn't working right now anyway.
  11. what is gauss's law? is it about magnetism?
  12. lagrange points?
  13. man, i missed it. or did i? anyone who went to it, was i there?
  14. what about the two replacing two speakers with say two black holes and doin gthe interfernce that way? you don't neccesarily have to send a probe you can use a telescope.
  15. you can't just through it out because it is counterintuitive. much of sr is counterintuitive, but it is still used.
  16. my thoughts exactly.
  17. i remember a problem in fizzicks class in which there were two speakers and we had to calculate where they canceled each other out. could the same principle apply here?
  18. you wouldn't need to detect the particles, just gravity. gravity isn't understood enough to know if it is possible to be shielded.
  19. and i thought it was just my computer.
  20. ydoaPs


    were you encrypted here too?
  21. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=3311 is this what you are talking about?
  22. that may be the answer to my question right.
  23. i have only seen the first two and the second one sucked. thats y i didn't see the third one.
  24. power in numbers. they are like freakin tribbles.
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