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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. hamsters. an entire army of them. you could take over the world.
  2. ydoaPs


    we did, iirc referal is just the number of people that say you lead them here.
  3. one source, several gravitons. caclulate the pattern of interference, then measure in several places.
  4. a massive object emits gravitons which interfere with other gravitons greating areas of strong/weak gravitational force as compared to the inverse-square law. shouldn't that difference be predictable and measurable?
  5. why would they have to be coherant? wouldn't that mess with the interference pattern?
  6. you have to touch two small hairs, iirc.
  7. you wouldn't need to detect them, you would just need to detect their infulence(gravity) which we can do. if gravitons exist, there should be a predictable gravatational flux, shouldn't there?
  8. it occurs to me that since gravitons are particles, they must also act like a wave. with that in mind, shouldn't there be an interference pattern? isn't that an easy way to proof the existance of gravitons? if there is an interference pattern, they exist, if not, then they don't. there must be something wrong with this or it would have already been done. whats up?
  9. with gravitons, shouldn't there be an interference pattern? would that add more flux in the field than the uncertainty in energy?
  10. Krypton. some of these aren't elements, but fake compounds. like Kryptonite and Adamantium. edit: Lance, grrr...
  11. here's another one:
  12. ydoaPs


    we are on the news A LOT now. in the two or three years, we have had several bobm/shooting threats, several suicides, and this kid robbed one of the hotels and put some chick in a dryer. is all this publicity good or bad for our local economy? o, i forgot the histoplasmosis outbreak and all of the anthrax scares/threats.
  13. i like my idea from the best system thread.
  14. ydoaPs


    not really all that scary. i am probably the only one in the school with enough testicular fortitude to go through with it. then again, i wouldn't warn them.
  15. who said that isn't true?
  16. it isn't my fault. it was cut off. when we had our little time warp thingy a while back, it said the whole thing.
  17. ydoaPs


    yep. like a shooting or bomb. they never say which. it happens 4 or 5 times a year.
  18. what's wrong with my name?
  19. ydoaPs


    we got ANOTHER threat in school today. that means more cops tommarrow. fun fun.
  20. off to fizziks in bout 20 minutes.
  21. the french cam up with the grad, which is 400 instead of 360. personally, i like radians. they are easy to work with and aren't random. [math]C=2\pi{r}[/math] let r be one unit. that makes [math]C=2\pi[/math]. one revolution is [math]2\pi[/math], half a revolution is [math]\pi[/math], quarter revolution is [math]\frac{\pi}{2}[/math] and so on.
  22. I'm probably too evil to win, but then again, look at Bush and Clinton. I have a controversial "Kick them out if they can't speak/read a lick of English" policy. I'll find out next year. Yes, very much so. I could woo the females and the pirokinetic mimes. No. I am actually the kind of person that would vote for the person that the first smear campaign is about just because I find smear campaigns to be unethical. yes Either Communist or Republican. I'm not sure which would be more likely to get me elected.
  23. ok, look at G and compare it to K.
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