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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. you may choose more than one.
  2. ydoaPs


    i joined over the summer. i am a junior. in a few weeks, i will be a senior. according to the football program, i already am.
  3. why is this in pseudo anyway?
  4. ydoaPs

    AP Calc

    next year i have AP calc and AP physics. i would have AP macroeconomics, but only 15 people signed up and a few quit.
  5. ydoaPs

    AP Calc

    i am taking it next year. i would be taking it this year, but my school only lets seniors take ap calc. i'm using calc in my pre-cal though. we are doing some algebra review. we are graphing polynomial and such. i just find the zeros and then find where the gradient is 0. no clue how the teacher wants us to do it, because i read The Catcher in the Rye or sleep during class.
  6. what about sunglasses?
  7. there is no spoon
  8. ydoaPs

    science of sex

    watch the history channel late at night. it will either be sex, the bible, ufo's, or any combination thereof.
  9. and a monkey slave army
  10. take over Canada; that way it looks like you did more or get two waterguns and a pellet gun to take over Mexico. it shouldn't take more than half an hour but seriously, why take over a small country?
  11. water wouldn't melt. too damn cold
  12. ydoaPs

    best system

  13. can you show me the verse where jesus went to hell and took the key from satan?
  14. isn't x^0 always one? plot a graph of x^0.
  15. http://www.literotica.com:81/forum/...ad.php?t=333324 what is that? i can't see it, for my schools computer probably think it is porn.
  16. [math]\Delta{x}\Delta{p}\geq{\frac{\hbar}{2}}\Rightarrow{\Delta}x{\geq}\frac{\lambda}{2}[/math] that may be slightly wrong as i did it from memory. what are your speed and position relative to? saying it is a a certain speed is (as swansont said) like asking "what is the difference between a duck?".
  17. at rest relative to what?
  18. post count is only non-gd posts. there is probably a total post counter somewhere or a way to make one. like i said, it would be pointless and too much work, and maybe not even possible.
  19. it would be pretty interesting if we had a postwhore index under our post count, but it is irrelavant(mostly) and might not be doable in vb. i don't know much about computers, but maybe it could be set up in such a way that post count and actual number of posts are fed into the equation to produce the postwhore index for the info next to each post. edit: you could use an equation for a pseudoscientist index as well. [math]\frac{y-m-c}{x}[/math] where y is number of posts in psuedoscience, m is number of posts in mock debate, c is posts trying to guide someone back to science or make fun of said person's thread, and x is the total number of posts.
  20. stuff like this: actually' date=' I take that back... that statemet is irrelevant. [/color'] makes you a postwhore quickly.
  21. wtf, what makes you assume that you can use electromagnatism equations for gravity.
  22. the part about being sexy was a joke, hence the smiley. edit: the part about the tool thing that you brought up is true. i practically had to teach my math class yesterday. he had a review worksheet for a test today and no one knew what they were doing, so the all had me tell them HOW do to it. i don't give answers, i give methods and CHECK answers, but i don't give answers.
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