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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. what was bad bout my post, i merely told the most probable reason i am not considered a nerd/geek/whatever even though i consider myself to be one.
  2. ydoaPs

    Inverse Obverse

    The Converse of p=>q is q=>p The Inverse of p=>q is ~p=>~q The Contrapositive of p=>q is ~q=>~p
  3. i am in high school. i am a nerd, but i am also a football player, so i'm not a social outcast. i guess it helps that i am really sexy. i am viewed more as a math/physics tool rather than nerd/dork/geek/loser/whatever.
  4. i think the best answer is energy. it works with not only string theory, but the standard model as well.
  5. what about time being a dimension? i would say that the fastest it could go is c, because all objects pass through spacetime at c. if you were at absolute rest(which isn't possible) time would pass at c(maybe even at rest in all spatial dimensions relative to an observer). not really proficient with relativity, but hope it helps.
  6. ydoaPs

    best system

    you keep assuming that no one would go for this system. why is that? what about very poor countries like many of the African or South American nations? what if there comes another great depression? people would love to have a stable economic system. how do you think Hitler came into power, Communism became popular, ect.?
  7. that makes no sense whatsoever
  8. ydoaPs

    best system

    i don't think you understand. they can choose color/design of their items. it isn't like everone has to wear a uniform. the mess hall wouild be more like a college cafeteria with several restaurants and a large eating area. like a big food court.
  9. ydoaPs

    Inverse Obverse

    inverse, converse, contrapositive, ect.?
  10. ydoaPs

    best system

    they will once the program begins. when money is worthless, it is kinda pointless to work for it or try to use it. how so?
  11. ydoaPs

    best system

    what the hell makes you think that it HAS to be totalitarian? the points, that is why people work. if you get so many points, you get a reward, if you get negative so many points, then you get a punishment. points are non-transferable.
  12. i was trying to be nice about it.
  13. something about the first post makes me think that that poster doesn't know what an integral is.
  14. ydoaPs

    best system

    how does america being a democratic republic make you think that i mean something else?
  15. that is very vague. what kind of formulas? there are several. i am in basic high school physics and i know several different ones. we don't even use calculus very much. ex. [math]F=BqV[/math] [math]F=BIl[/math] where B is the magnetic field, q is charge, I, is current, V is velocity, and l is a length of wire in a field. [math]F=\frac{Kq_1q_2}{r^2}[/math] bottom line, be more specific. also, i doubt you will be successfull in creating a unified theory. the professionals with years of training have yet to do it, and you seem not to have even basic training.
  16. ydoaPs

    best system

    where are you getting dictator from? i think it should be a democratic republic. once again, my two cents.
  17. ydoaPs

    best system

    i think that capitalism sux, because people are lazy and/or greedy. if they weren't, then it wouldn't be too bad. if people weren't lazy and/or greedy, then communism would be the best system. i think that a military-esque system with incentives would work the best in real life. everyone is rationed a house, vehicle, clothing, ect. food would be distributed in a mess hall type manner. you may be saying "how would all of this be paid for?," but this system wouldn't use money. resources are put where needed. working hard earns privilage points, but being lazy earns you nothing and posiibly negative points. when you get so many points, you can do something special, say take a two week vacation. just my two cents. feel free to dicuss, call me an idiot, whatever.
  18. what kind of formulas? like [math]F=\frac{Gm_1m_2}{r^2}[/math]?
  19. you could feed it to spiders then anger them.
  20. how are you taking calc 2 in high school? you lucky *******.
  21. could you be a little more specific on what equations you want? why do you want them, anyway?
  22. make that room lower than the rest.
  23. according to Mythbusters, yawns aren't contagious
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