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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. no; book titles are underlined.
  2. ydoaPs


    that is what i was trying to say.
  3. ydoaPs


    if time doesn't have a speed, then how can it slow for an observer in motion?
  4. ydoaPs


    velocity is a vector. the resultant velocity of all four dimensions is always c. i think that is what he was getting at.
  5. read Physics of Star Trek.
  6. sorry, probably should have put that in there. thought you could get it by the context.
  7. i know, that is why i said it. it looks like a lot to people that don't know, but it really isn't much. if i have time, i'll try to find it in TFOTC.
  8. he probably messed up the [math]\LaTeX[/math] in that part of his post.
  9. read "The Fabric of the Cosmos" it's in there. i'd bet four billion yen on it.
  10. how much money do you think the US has?
  11. that isn't true. what about negative energy?
  12. divide the potential by the distance.
  13. how do you read [math]R(f,P)[/math] I know that P is the partition and that it means the same thing as [math]\sum_{j=1}^k{f(x_j)}[/math], but what is f? in [math]\sum_{j=1}^k{f(x_j)}[/math], i think j is the lower bound and k is the upper. is that the case? like j is the start and k is the end. well, that is how i use it and it works (at least for the Mercator series)
  14. i like the part about punishing people for being poor.
  15. giving one example of probability doesn't negate determanism. what about chemical reactions, laws of motion, ect.
  16. if you are in the ER, they are legally bound to treat you. it doesn't matter wether or not you have insurance.
  17. learn to read. i said that it is BOTH deterministic and nondeterministic.
  18. you can't do that. that formula is in radians so [math]1=1\theta[/math] obvious answer is [math]\frac{1}{1}=\theta{\Rightarrow}{\theta}=1radian[/math]
  19. i was reading a thread about free will and got an idea: i think it may be a valid idea. there could be a set line of events that WILL happen no matter what. the circumstances of said events are probabilistic. perhaps if in the future a powerful enough computer exists and we could collect enough information, we could concievably predict any event, past or future. we colud possibly even use it to solve unsolved crimes.
  20. it isn't necesarily an atom. it doesn't even have a nucleus. it is just some elipses crosing each other.
  21. ok, magnetic field. is it [math]\Delta{\phi}\Delta{B}{\geq}\frac{\hbar}{2}[/math], or is flux not the same thing as the rate of change of magnatude of the field? with position v momentum, is the most accurately you can know the position a sphere with a radius of half the wavelenth or a diameter of half the wavelength.
  22. i have it. from the text, it is pretty good. i can't quite get all of the math, but i am working on that. it is the most expensive book i own. its kinda fitting that a book on gravity is so heavy.
  23. idk. afiak, it is just math. it may be used in a kaluza-klein(sp?) thype thing or for one of the string theories or m-theory.
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