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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. wow, didn't catch that. i guess Sithar Ddious=Darth Sidious=Palpatine=Emporer edit: i think the spoof name("A Lost Hope") is better. It ties in with episode 4.
  2. ur kidding, right? for God/Allah/Vishnu/...'s sake, they used the same freakin actor for all three characters.
  3. darth sidious=palpatine=emporer. i thought everyone saw that. i thought it was obvious.
  4. ydoaPs

    Bob Lazar

    holy crap! he started unitednuclear. it even talks abouit his ufo bs on the site.
  5. ydoaPs

    Bob Lazar

    i find it funny that even the UFO nuts don't believe his crap
  6. ydoaPs

    cheap x-rays

    who would have thought that you could build an x-ray machine for under 200 dollars(american)?http://unitednuclear.com/xray.htm
  7. frequency times wavelength=speed
  8. ydoaPs


    dude, like that post was like fast. i mean fast!
  9. athiest, i never said that c was the particles velocity exept when it made m=0. swansont, put speeds in the equation and see for yourself.
  10. talk about a nonsequiter(sp¿)
  11. perhaps johnny's reliance on logic leads not only to pseudoscience but also pseudomathematics.
  12. ydoaPs

    Your name

    omg, i 4got bout shi-thead, you as-shole.
  13. it is interesting that photons are the opposite of matter. ftl=normal mass, sublight=imaginary mass, c=0 mass. perhaps that means that imaginary mass does mean something.
  14. avida isn't an article, it is a program. you can download it for free and test evolution yourself. there are other thread in here about it. use the search function and search "avida"
  15. how aren't they equivalent? [math]hf=E\Rightarrowh^2f^2=E^2[/math][math]E^2=(mc^2)^2+(pc)^2[/math] using substitution, we get [math]h^2f^2=(mc)^2+(pc)^2[/math] i was origionally trying to see if i could find a mass, but i fould that mass always cancels out at c. then i decided to not assume c. then i got [math]m=\frac{h(\sqrt{v^2-c^2})}{{\lambda}c^2}[/math].
  16. i was thinking object as in one particle, say a neutrino. edit:in gr, there would still be the warp.
  17. sr-special relativity gr-general relativity bh-black hole qm-quantum mechanics
  18. if there was only one object in the universe, would gravity exist? gr says that gravity is the warping of space caused by matter. so, in gr, there would be gravity. but, in qm, gravity is caused by graviton exchange. so, in qm, there wouldn't. what's the deal?
  19. but wait, that doesn't force discrimination to "level the playing field". this is a good idea. affirmative action is not.
  20. ydoaPs

    Your name

    hi, i'm Nick.
  21. i am surprised you are just posting this now. i would think that you would have seen this before.
  22. lets guess what \leq is.
  23. idk=i don't know lolly roffles=lol+rofl (not an acronym, but dave's sig proves that some don't know it's meaning)
  24. that may have been your most racist post yet.
  25. is the answer to #4 [math](\pi^{-\frac{1}{3}},3\pi^{\frac{1}{3}})[/math]? If so, it wasn't that hard.
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