anyone can do anything they want to. you no nothing of me. you have no clue about my background. saying "you and i have had an easier walk than others" is almost as racist as "lets kill all the jews". your statement implys that anyone that is not a white male was born poverty striken and is incapable of digging their way out. it also implys that all white males are well off.
what is the purpose of this "temporary inequality?" it is like the reparation money to the decendents of slaves. what did those people do to get the money? the answer: nothing. i am not saying slavery is in any way good, but i am saying that there is no reason for the money. part of the reason i don't claim my native american heratige on any forms. i don't want to be treated as "better" for something that i can't control. jobs, money, opprotunities, ect. should be given on merit, not genetics.
my ancestors were repeatedly lied to by the americans(like the rest of the world ), relocated, and killed. Since my ancestors walked the trail of tears, i CAN get handouts from the government. i CAN but i DON'T and i find it morally reprehensible that anyone would.