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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. not really. u just said that u weren't convinced that gravity warps space.
  2. how about a "word of the day" thingy?
  3. 1)it doesn't matter if you are convinced or not. i just want to know how to do it. 2)what do you think gravity is?
  4. space and time got married. then they had a baby. his name: spacetime.
  5. it isn't just how i view it. it is racism. racism under any circumstance is unethical.
  6. ok, gravity is the warping of space. energy/mass is what warps the space. how do you find the uncertainty of said warp in a certain area? i would assume you start by finding the uncertainty of energy. where do you go from there?
  7. p stands for momentum.
  8. so, how would you calculate the uncertainty of the curvature in a certain area? i think you would start by finding the uncertainty of energy, but where do you go from there?
  9. if i remember correctly, hawking said something to the effect of particles being small pieces of spacetime. i'll look for it. also [math]E^2=(mc^2)^2+(pc)^2[/math]
  10. forget control, if it gets off the ground, there is no force driving it forward. it could jump, but not fly. cars are heavy, to get off the ground, it needs to go really fast or have huge wings. once off the ground it is doomed. cars don't have a good glide ratio
  11. I am Jack's colon. I get cancer; I kill Jack. Haiku from Fight Club
  12. what is delta X? i assume p was momentum.
  13. phi, how does esnforced discrimination "level the playing field?" affermative action isn't getting rid of discrimination, it is fueling it. edit: anyone CAN do anything they want to. most people are only limited by laziness. (excluding those physically unable to do certain things. they too can do almost anything, but they just are forced to try harder)
  14. holy crap, i love those movies. all three are so stupid you just have to love them. kinda like napolean dynamite.
  15. ydoaPs


    lets see, money=power, oil=money, therefore, oil=power. with the middle east's thirst for power, the gas situation doesn't look like it is gonna get better soon.
  16. so, if i open the doors on my delorean, and floor it...
  17. i think it would be a good idea for people to post their notes (ie. my "trig" thread and the calc lessons dave started) and for someone to sticky those threads.
  18. bullsh*t. anyone can do anything they want to. you no nothing of me. you have no clue about my background. saying "you and i have had an easier walk than others" is almost as racist as "lets kill all the jews". your statement implys that anyone that is not a white male was born poverty striken and is incapable of digging their way out. it also implys that all white males are well off. what is the purpose of this "temporary inequality?" it is like the reparation money to the decendents of slaves. what did those people do to get the money? the answer: nothing. i am not saying slavery is in any way good, but i am saying that there is no reason for the money. part of the reason i don't claim my native american heratige on any forms. i don't want to be treated as "better" for something that i can't control. jobs, money, opprotunities, ect. should be given on merit, not genetics. my ancestors were repeatedly lied to by the americans(like the rest of the world ), relocated, and killed. Since my ancestors walked the trail of tears, i CAN get handouts from the government. i CAN but i DON'T and i find it morally reprehensible that anyone would.
  19. how do you know what interferes with each other? i know it is more than just position and velocity. i think another is the magnitude and direction of spin. also, what is the equation for the HUP
  20. ydoaPs


    but don't it seem logical to get rid of all of the trash and turn it into gasoline? seems like a perfect solution. it helps cleen up the place and helps people live thier daily lives. the only problem is that people are greedy.
  21. guess what, there is a difference between being equal and crapping on the white guys. i am all for equality, but i am not in favor of thing like extra points for college admission for being anything but white.
  22. it is racist against white males.
  23. ydoaPs


    http://www.wasteage.com/mag/waste_technology_process_converts/ http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/967192/posts http://www.acfnewsource.org/science/turkey_trash.html so, why does gas cost so much? here, it is over $2 and in california it is $3. i heard it is much more in europe. i heard in germany, it is around $6 per gallon. if we can make gas out of trash and turkey guts, why do we have so many landfills and why do we pay so much for gas?
  24. well, the smaller a black hole is, the faster it evaporates, so we are safe (for now). we knew mini-black holes were posssible, but i didn't think they would be made until 2007.
  25. i have changed my mind as to my response to this poll. it wouldn't matter. if he said it was aliens, all the aircraft enthusiasts, would cry cover-up. but if he said aircraft, all of the UFO freaks would cry cover-up.
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