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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. well, connect those two points and find the midpoint.
  2. it has been a long time since i have done constructions, so this may be really wrong. if you pick three points on the circle and draw tangents from those points, the lines intersect to create a triangle. if you find the center of the triange, won't it be the center of the circle as well?
  3. years or questions? edit: i guess my results indicate that i walk the fine line between genius and insanity.
  4. it's fixed again, but the main page says it is down till the 28th.
  5. when i took it the first time(18Q's), i got hitler. this time(45Q's) i got Einstein. the first one made sense. i took a test in "How to Be A Superhero" and it said i was the anti-christ. that makes sense as well considering the number on my hospital bracelet when i was born was 666
  6. please enlighten us.
  7. nick, 16, one on my left hand-middle finger
  8. johnny, so, special relativity is completely wrong just because you say it is? all the tests that prove it pretty much beyond a shadow of a doubt are wrong because you want them to be?
  9. ydoaPs


    big bang says nothing about the creation of the universe, just the expansion. it doesn't even say why(unless somebody finds the higgs boson. i just can't remember where i put it:))
  10. ok, p=h/lambda h^2f^2=(mc^2)^2+(h^2c^2)/(lambda^2). (h^2f^2lambda^2-h^2c^2)/(lambda^2)=m^2 (h(f^2lambda^2-c^2))/(lambda^2)=m^2 damn. f^2lambda^2=c^2. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
  11. in the words of a closed minded fool.
  12. johnny, after VERY LITTLE searching, i am finding that c is constant for all frames. http://www.glenbrook.k12.il.us/gbssci/phys/Class/relativity/relpost2.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relativity_physics
  13. give links.
  14. there are galaxies that are moving ftl relative to us, but not spacetime. that has nothing to do with c being constant in all frames.
  15. no assumption about mass. e^2=(mc^2)^2+(pc)^2. p=mv. v=c. e^2=(mc^2)^2+(mcc)^2. e^2=(mc^2)^2+(mc^2)^2. e^2=2(mc^2)^2. i didn't think you would need me to do every step for you. i did that much, i might ass well finish. e=hf. e^2=h^2f^2. h^2f^2=2(mc^2)^2. hf=(m)(c^2)(sqrt(2)). (hf)/((c^2)(sqrt(2)))=m. (hf(sqrt(2)))/((2)(c^2))=m. [math]m=\frac{hf\sqrt{2}}{2c^2}[/math].
  16. this doesn't have anything to do with this thread, but i want you to prove c CAN"T be constant in all reference frames.
  17. um, i ended up with [math]\pii=\pii[/math]. we all know that lne^x=x, right. so, the left side is pi*i. i know that logs of negative numbers are imaginary, so i put ln-1 in my calc and got 3.141592654i which means pi*i. so, it does work.
  18. i went back and assumed nothing about mass. it reduced to [math]h^2f^2=2m^2c^4[/math] i solved for m and got [math]m=\frac{hf\sqrt{2}}{2c^2}[/math] once again, REALLY close to 0, but not quite.
  19. 1) your neutrino link says nothing about flt 2) you neutrino link is outdated. neutrinos have been found to have mass. they have been found to NOT travel at or above c.
  20. is it just this computer or is LaTeX broken?
  21. ydoaPs


    feel free to add anything that you don't see that you think should be here. i also didn't put solving equations because that is fairly intuitive.
  22. i haven't even finished reading your post, but i can tell you right now that number3 is wrong. the earth and sun orbit a point between the two bodies.
  23. ydoaPs


    since i began posting on this site, i have seen more than one thread like "what is sin, cos, ...?". so, somewhat inspired by daves two calculus lessons, decided to post the relevent parts of my trig notes. it was a one semester class, so it will probably be really basic. note: i will not cover graphing and inverse trig function. i will begin by introducing a unit of measurement of angles, because i find them much easier to work with. that unit is radian. the name will make sense after the description. we have a circle whose center is at the origin. as we all know, the circumference of a circle is [math]C=2{\pi}r[/math]. assume the radius of the circle is one. the circumference can be thought of as the full rotation of the radius, so a full rotation is [math]2{\pi}=360^0[/math]. half a rotation is [math]\pi=180^0[/math]. a forth of a rotation is [math]\frac{\pi}{2}=90^0[/math] and so on. angles are measured from the positive x-axis(initial side) in a counter clockwise manner to the terminal side. negative angles are clockwise. to convert radians to degrees, multiply the radian measurement by [math]\frac{180}{\pi}[/math]. to convert from degrees to radians multpily the degree measurement by [math]\frac{pi}{180}[/math] every angle has a reference angle([math]\alpha\angle[/math]. a reference angle is the smallest positive acute angle made by the terminal side of [math]\theta[/math] and the x-axis. in the first quadrant, [math]\alpha\angle=\theta[/math]. in the second quadrant, [math]\alpha\angle=\pi-\theta[/math]. in the third, [math]\alpha\angle=\theta-\pi[/math]. in the fourth, [math]\alpha\angle=2\pi-\theta[/math]. trig functions of [math]\theta=\underline{+}same function of \alpha\angle[/math] each angle also has an infinite number of coterminal angles. coterminal angles are angles that have the same terminal side(kinda makes sense, huh).coterminal angle=[math]\theta\underline{+}n2\pi[/math] the trig functions: sin, cos, tan, csc, sec, cot are all ratios of the sides of a right triangle. each angle has a specific value for each of the trig functions. sin and cos, sec and csc, tan and cot are what are called cofunctions. cofunctions are positive in the same quadrant. in the first quadrant, all functions are positive. in the second, sin and csc are positive. in the third, tan and cot are positive. in the fourth, cos and sec are positive. the trig function of any acute angle equals the cofunction of said angle's complement. sin and csc, cos and sec, tan and cot are reciprocal functions. that will make sense once you see their definitions and identities [math]sin=\frac{opposite side}{hypotenuse}[/math] [math]cos=\frac{adjacent side}{hypotenuse}[/math] [math]tan=\frac{opposite side}{adjacent side}[/math] [math]csc=\frac{hypotenuse}{opposite side}[/math] [math]sec=\frac{hypotenuse}{adjacent side}[/math] [math]cot=\frac{adjacent side}{opposite side}[/math] reciprocal identities [math]sin\theta=\frac{1}{scs\theta}[/math] [math]csc\theta=\frac{1}{sin\theta}[/math] [math]cos\theta=\frac{1}{sec\theta}[/math] [math]sec\theta=\frac{1}{cos\theta}[/math] [math]tan\theta=\frac{1}{cot\theta}[/math] [math]cot\theta=\frac{1}{tan\theta}[/math] ratio identites [math]tan\theta=\frac{sin\theta}{cos\theta}[/math] [math]cot\theta=\frac{cos\theta}{sin\theta}[/math] pythagorean identities [math]sin^2\theta+cos^2\theta=1[/math] [math]1+tan^2\theta=sec^2\theta[/math] [math]1+cot^2\theta=sec^2\theta[/math] cofunction identities [math]sin(\frac{\pi}{2}-\theta)=cos\theta[/math] [math]cos(\frac{\pi}{2}-\theta)=sin\theta[/math] [math]cos(\frac{\pi}{2}-\theta)=sin\theta[/math] [math]tan(\frac{\pi}{2}-\theta)=cot\theta[/math] [math]cot(\frac{\pi}{2}-\theta)=tan\theta[/math] [math]sec(\frac{\pi}{2}-\theta)=csc\theta[/math] [math]scs(\frac{\pi}{2}-\theta)=sec\theta[/math] even/odd identities [math]sin(-\theta)=-sin\theta[/math] [math]cos(-\theta)=cos\theta[/math] [math]tan(-\theta)=-tan\theta[/math] [math]csc(-\theta)=-csc\theta[/math] [math]sec(-\theta)=sec\theta[/math] [math]cot(-\theta)=-cot\theta[/math] solving triangles(side a is opposite anlge alpha; side b is opposite angle beta; side c is opposite angle gamma) law of sines-[math]\frac{a}{sin\alpha\frac{b}{sin\beta}=\frac{c}{sin{\gamma}}[/math] law of cosines-[math]c^2=a^2+b^2-2abcos\gamma[/math] *note: when gamma is a right angle, law of cosines turns into pythagorean theorem* area of triangles [math]A=\frac{1}{2}absin\gamma[/math] [math]A=\sqrt{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}[/math], when [math]s=\frac{a+b+c}{2}[/math] now that you have all of that, here are some formulas double angle formulas [math]sin2\theta=2sin\thetacos\theta[/math] [math]cos2\theta=cos^2\theta-sin^2\theta[/math] [math]cos2\theta=1-2sin^2\theta[/math] [math]cos2\theta=2cos^2\theta-1[/math] [math]tan2\theta=\frac{2tan\theta}[1-tan^2\theta}[/math] half angle formulas [math]sin\frac{\theta}{2}=\sqrt{\frac{1-cos\theta}{2}}[/math] [math]cos\frac{\theta}{2}=\sqrt{\frac{1+cos\theta}{2}}[/math] [math]tan\frac{\theta}{2}=\sqrt{\frac{1-cos\theta}{1+cos\theta}}[/math] [math]tan\frac{\theta}{2}=\frac{1-cos\theta}{sin\theta}[/math] [math]tan\frac{\theta}{2}=\frac{sin\theta}{1+cos\theta}[/math] power reducing formulas [math]sin^2\theta=\frac{1-cos2\theta}{2}[/math] [math]cos^2\theta=\frac{1+cos2\theta}{2}[/math] [math]tan^2\theta=\frac{1-cos2\theta}{1+cos2\theta}[/math] sum and difference formulas [math]sin(\alpha+\beta)=sin\alphacos\beta+cos\alphasin\beta[/math] [math]sin(\alpha-\beta)=sin\alphacos\beta-cos\alphasin\beta[/math] [math]cos(\alpha+\beta)=cos\alphacos\beta-sin\alphasin\beta[/math] [math]cos(\alpha-\beta)=cos\alphacos\beta+sin\alphasin\beta[/math] [math]tan(\alpha+\beta)=\frac{tan\alpha+tan\beta}{1-tan\alphatan\beta}[/math] [math]tan(\alpha-\beta)=\frac{tan\alpha-tan\beta}{1+tan\alphatan\beta}[/math] sum and difference to product formulas [math]sin\alpha+sin\beta=2sin\frac{1}{2}(\alpha+\beta)cos\frac{1}{2}(\alpha-\beta)[/math] [math]sin\alpha-sin\beta=2cos\frac{1}{2}(\alpha+\beta)sin\frac{1}{2}(\alpha-\beta)[/math] [math]cos\alpha+cos\beta=2cos\frac{1}{2}(\alpha+\beta)cos\frac{1}{2}(\alpha-\beta)[/math] [math]cos\alpha-cos\beta=-2sin\frac{1}{2}(\alpha+\beta)sin\frac{1}{2}(\alpha-\beta)[/math] product to sum and difference formulas [math]sin\alphasin\beta=\frac{1}{2}[cos(\alpha-\beta)+cos(\alpha+\beta)][/math] [math]cos\alphacos\beta=\frac{1}{2}[cos(\alpha-\beta)+cos(\alpha+\beta)][/math] [math]sin\alphacos\beta=\frac{1}{2}[sin(\alpha+\beta)+sin(\alpha-\beta)][/math] if you have a calculator, then you don't really need the formula's, but if you don't i'm gonna post a trig chart.
  24. a man is at a bar. he takes a shot and jumps out the window. a second later he comes up the stairs unharmed. he takes two shots and does it gain. then three. the man next to decides to give it a go. he takes a shot and jumps out the window. the bartender gets on the phone and says, "we need an ambulance; superman is screwin' with people agian."
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