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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs


    why not? program has been over and declassified for ages.
  2. dave, will there be a new lesson soon? i just went through the first two and can't wait for a new one, yet i see that your last post was last year. could you start it up again?
  3. i am starting to think that johnny has a few formulas at hand and has no clue what they mean. not necesarily from this post, but most of his posts give me the impression. then he will just throw all known science away and make assumptions and use them as fact. man, you just can't do that.
  4. well, that gives your answer. one at a time produces interference, they interfere with themselves. site note: for light, is the probablility wave for a photon the same wave as the em wave?
  5. get a magnet( preferably a neodymmium or electromagnet) and but it close to a lit candle.
  6. well if he wants to throw out relativity (which is pretty much proven beyond a shadow of a doubt), then he can just make up whatever crap he wants. wait, he already does. example: photons=gravitons.
  7. ok, you want what we KNOW goes on in area 51 here is what I KNOW: U-2, SR-71, F-117, B-2 were all tested there area 51 is more active than ever bob lazar is a liar everything else is speculation. i really doubt any aliens are there. i do think the government encourages the ufo crap to hide what they are really doing.
  8. uh, simultaniality is NOT absolute.
  9. did anyone read that? i'll add some empasis
  10. fiction? they ARE testing SOMETHING that is advanced. that is a fact. they are VERY paranoid with their security. that is a fact. bob lazar is a liar. that is a fact. the rest is speculation. edit: it isn't whether it would influence your vote, it is would it influence the voters in general. some people vote the way they do for stupid reasons. example: many women voted for Kennedy because they liked the way he looked.
  11. i am not sure. some people would vote for him/her because he/she is honest, but some people might be pissed at him/her for telling the secret. some dedicated air fore guy may put a bullet in the president's head before he could tell.
  12. so, that explains Kentucky...
  13. each year, the president of the United States of America has to renew the classified status of Area 51. If he were to not renew it and were to tell the whole world what secret crap they were working on (or make easily available through freedom of info), would that make him more or less likely to get reelected? note: this thread is not to debate what goes on in area 51
  14. and it is by no means "new" even if it was a theory.
  15. guess what, the spin of the graviton is 2
  16. you saying gravitons are photons doesn't make it true. btw, gravtons have a different spin than photons. Regards edit: it is the same thing as mgh. f=ma=mg r=h [math]f=\frac{-GMm}{r^2}[/math] [math]mg=\frac{-GMm}{r^2)[/math] now multiply both sides by r [math]mgh=\frac{-GMm}{r}[/math]
  17. "Lex II. Mutationem motus proportionalem esse vi motrici impressae, & fieri secundum lineam rectam qua vis illa imprimatur."
  18. http://www.history.navy.mil/faqs/faq21-1.htm philidelphai experiment is crap. the wires neutralize the magnetic feild so magnetic mines dont hit it.
  19. wow, post your answer.
  20. 1) what makes you think that these neutrino-like particles travel faster than light? 2) any evidence AT ALL of matter changing into these particles? 3) why did you change the whole topic of your thread? 4) what doe the original topic have to do with teleportation?
  21. holy cow those are fast spaceships! light goes roughly 3x10^8 m/s.
  22. if it is whirling in a circle, it is acccelerating. i think of it kinda this way: photons are kinda like dorps of water and an atom is like a soaked sponge. if a water droplet hits the sponge, it is absorbed another expelled somewhere else.
  23. 1)where does the faster than light stuff come from? neutrinos travel slower than c. they have been detected. particles that travel faster than c are tachyons and for all intensive purposes a mathematical curiosity. they have NEVER been observed directly or indirectly nor have their effects. 2)they do have mass, not a lot, but some.
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