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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs


    it's stronger than the weak force? and A LOT stronger than the gravitational force
  2. in other words, no references.
  3. ydoaPs

    New Theory?

    what would your "theory" predict?
  4. ydoaPs


    the strong nuclear force.
  5. wow, i was right.
  6. i did notice that archer is a little specieist(?). "...act like humans for a change..."
  7. the federation is supposed to begin this week or next week. when did it start in the startrek universe before enterprise?
  8. gravity is bent space AND TIME. in fact, time bends more than space. in a black hole, time should have no meaning.
  9. wtf, there are remens on this episode. i thought the romulans and remens should hate each other at this point in history.
  10. hmm, afaik the only way to stop time is to use gravity.
  11. i THINK it is Hinduism that is against killing cows. they are sacred.
  12. i'll look for it at 8. maybe then i will understand.
  13. ok, 1st manned deep space exploration. everyone should be a little nervous. hoshi didn't want to be there in the first place and she was used to earth languages which have cognates and similar patterns. what is wrong with reed coming from a family of people in the navy? travis could just be stupid. what does any of that have to do with race or stereotyping?
  14. so characters can't have minor flaws or differences unless they aren't white americans? give me a break.
  15. basically, your post said the only reason for any of them to be nervous, solitary, or nieve, is race. as far as i can tell, the only connection to race was put there by you.
  16. could you provide any shred of evidence for your claim?
  17. so if reed was from US, and hoshi and travis were white, there wouldn't be a problem? you are pushing race onto personal characteristics
  18. when i said creation i didn't neccesarily mean creationist creation. i meant ANY theory of how life got started.
  19. lets try comparing things that CAN be compared. what is a theory for the creation of life that has ANY proof.
  20. how are are reed, hoshi, or travis portrayed as inferrior?
  21. ok, i seriously don't understand how you are getting this. please show me an example.
  22. i have yet to see archer blame hoshi for anything because she is a woman or asian. nor have i seen him say anything about travis being black.
  23. i don't understand. there was only one main human character that wasn't from the US.
  24. huh? an asian, a black guy, a vulcan, flox, porthos, and a bunch of white guys. how multicultural.
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