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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. please exlain the "multi-cultural ethnobollocks sterotyping."
  2. at least it explained the klingon forehead thing.
  3. about what? i liked enterprise. save enterprise. they did it for tos, we can do it for enterprise. http://www.enterprisefans.com/
  4. i was being sarcastic. appearently you are kinda slow.
  5. i wasn't talking about the site on the link. nm.
  6. would you consider something beyond the event horizon of a black hole in our universe?
  7. and that is new how? wow, never heard that one before.
  8. http://www.startrek.com/startrek/view/news/article/9469.html
  9. ydoaPs


    actually, the first pictures from mars shwed a blue sky. afaik, that was caused by a programming error
  10. you don't have to post your type if you vote. the votes can be viewed.
  11. ok, i have trig notes from last semester. proven.
  12. so, if you are sealed in a prison, the universe consists of one building?
  13. bad example. catholic church was corrupt from the start.
  14. 17 if u do it in school in Indiana genetics. there are three protiens that make the blood type. you have A, B, and +. if your blood type is O, then you are missing both A and B protiens. if you have -, then you are missing the + protien.
  15. inspired by http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=8333
  16. body language is more telling than you think.
  17. ydoaPs


    or admin
  18. ydoaPs


    Quark > Posts = 0 Lepton > Posts = 10 Meson > Posts = 50 Baryon > Posts = 100 Atom > Posts = 200 Molecule > Posts = 400 Protist > Posts = 750 Organism > Posts = 1000 Primate > Posts = 1500 Scientist > Posts = 3000 Genius > Posts = 5000 it is how many posts you have. quarks, leptons, mesons, and baryons are types of particles.
  19. if there is more than one person, maybe there is an informant. that person could have a signal for each cup and all her brother would have to do is look for the signals.
  20. SHE, not he.
  21. evolution, on the other hand, HAS been proven. AVIDA proves that evolution isn't even restricted to biological life.
  22. evolution says NOTHING about the beginning of life.
  23. [sarcasm]wouldn't that be proof for evolution?[/sarcasm] lack of proof is not proof
  24. creation=life created by "God" evolution=life changes totally independant, and non-related.
  25. i have heard the definition of a closed string as a vibrating loop of energy fission. BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!, YAY!
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