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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. why would there be any proof? if time went backwards, then all chemical reactions would reverse which would erase your memory of the future. same would hold true for any reaction of any sort.
  2. jordan, maybe you should do some research. here is an interesting example which some say will end up being the same theory as string threory(read Fabric of the Cosmos): quantum loop theory
  3. you got it backwards.
  4. you guys should read Fabric of the Cosmos by Brian Greene. it describes time and space. i bet some of you are saying "screw that, it's string theory." well, most of the book has nothing to do with string theory.
  5. ok, that had nothing to do with TEU.
  6. wouldn't fire be MORE of an advantage to cold-blooded creatures?
  7. what happened to the anti-string theory people here? aren't you going to say anything about it?
  8. he is using our litigious society in attempt to get rich. if i ever meet him, i will knock that lazy bastard on his ass.
  9. Perhaps i could be the "real" badguy. The Emperor to Darth Vader(Sayo). no, i am probably the guy that gets caught in the crossfire.
  10. ok. no gravity. why does the ball bend the sheet? what force acts on it? try rubber sheet in 0g, and it won't work.
  11. 1. Age? 16 2. Gender? male 3. State? Indiana 4. Natural hair color? brown 5. Natural eye color? brown and green. circles of brown and green with spikes connecting them. 6. Do you dye your hair(what color)? Or what do you want your hair color to be?(you don't have to pick a different color) no 7. Do you have colored contacts? Or what color would you prefer your eyes to be?(you don't have to pick a different color) no 8. Heritage? ex. Swedish, German, etc. Aryan. no, i am native american, irish, scottish, arminian, and some other things i can't remember at the moment.
  12. ydoaPs

    virtual life?

    i found out that virtual life DOES exist. it is called avida. you can get it here: http://dllab.caltech.edu/avida/
  13. i just noticed that this thread is in quantum mechanics. why is it here?
  14. football practice, yay! i play fotball for school now. why? football is fun.
  15. i think the discovery channel said the bible code said wwIII in 2012. lets see if it is right.
  16. thus the problem with the rubber-sheet analogy. it needs gravity to describe how gravity works.
  17. poor bum-.com millionaire that had a fall football
  18. yea i recently got more as well. pm me your email address and i'll give one to anyone that wants one.
  19. it isn't telekinesis, it is psychokinesis.
  20. is it the same one as my avatar?
  21. how can light travel faster than THE SPEED OF LIGHT IN A VACUUM? it just doesn't make any sense.
  22. afaik, all our measurement systems but one are arbitrary. so, the only one that isn't arbitrary is radians. i was thinking of a system that is not random and all i could come up with is making the plank length and plank time both = 1, which would make c=1, which makes calculation easier. also, electron volt=1. the only thing i can find wrong is that for normal calculation, the numbers will be really big. i guess we could use REALLY BIG prefixes on the units.
  23. i think you can. put a martian in a box and take it back to earth.
  24. i like to make your life difficult.
  25. what is g on the equater?
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