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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. at least another side. law of sines [math]\frac{a}{sin\alpha}=\frac{b}{sin\beta}=\frac{c}{sin\gamma}[/math] law of cosines [math]c_^2=a^2+b^2-2ab(cos\gamma)[/math] a thing i like about the law of cosines is that if you put a right angle in for [math]\gamma[/math], you get the pythagorean theorem.
  2. whatever you want. m, cm, in., ft, mi, km, ... you don't have enough info with just an angle and it's sine/cosine to find solve the triangle.
  3. there is no such thing as a perfect vacuum. there will always be friction.
  4. i thought it was the thing where the photons cause the electrons to go up a level. and they later emit a photon.
  5. you're always being pulled "down". doesn't going up count as ant-gravity?(5614, thanks for the pogo comment.) if not, what do you mean by ant-gravity?
  6. ydoaPs


    how was G calculated? on a side note: i know it wasn't anywhere close to what i did, because i used the inverse-square law for gravity in a thought experiment. i didn't just solve for G, so i may have messed up in getting the equation. the experiment is: you are on a rocket on a planet. you fire your rockets and leave the planet(forgetting the fact that they use curved trajectories and orbit. no, forget that. it goes straight enough in the beginning.). use you initial speed, final speed, acceleration, mass of planet, and gravitational acceleration of the planet to find G. [math]F=ma[/math] [math]{V_f}^2={V_i}^2+2a{x}[/math] [math]F=\frac{G{m^1}{m^2}}{r^2}[/math] i solved for x [math]{x}=\frac{{V_f}^2-{V_i}^2}{2a}[/math] then x^2 [math]{x}^2=\frac{{V_f}^4-2{V_f}^2{V_i}^2+{V_i}^4}{4a^2}[/math] i used ma for F in the inverse-square law formula and used x^2 for r^2(mass of rocket cancels) [math]g=\frac{{4Gm_{planet}}a^2}{{V_f}^4-2{V_f}^2{V_i}^2+{V_i}^4}[/math] then solved for G [math]G=\frac{g({V_f}^4-2{V_f}^2{V_i}^2+{V_i}^4)}{4m_{planet}a^2}[/math] i haven't solved yet, because i still need to find mass of a planet(probably earth, so i already know g) and realistic final velocity for the rocket in m/s. but, i don't think it will work because you could use any acceleration for any velocity. too bad i thought of that after i went through a whole 2 minutes doing that.
  7. [sarcasm]duh, anti-gravitons. i can't believe you didn't know that.[/sarcasm] but seriously. even sitting in a chair is antigravity. gravity is the weakest force.
  8. it does. they bite like crazy in the summer.
  9. plants are lucky they don't have nerves(in case they get bitten by a ladybug on accident). it hurts when those things bite.
  10. good luck if you try to take the ASVAB.
  11. it sounds more like torture to me. similer to the little kid burning ants with a magnifying glass. what was the purpose of the experiment. what was your hypothesis, "how much electricity does it take to pop a pillbug?"
  12. just over 2 min on paper. i am slow, maybe i should practice my calculation on paper.
  13. hey buddy, look at your keyboard. the 1 is right next to the 0. uh, lower temp=lower energy=lower mass=lower gravity.
  14. didn't marx say something about the lower class taking control and making society classless? sorry, been a while since i was in that part of history class.
  15. are you talking about branes? it is the closest thing i can come to the definition of a universe which permits there to be more than one. i find it interesting that string theory will be testable in 2007. i can't wait for the results.
  16. JaKiri is right. lets take a look at the famous equation of the energy of matter at rest. [math]E=mc^2[/math] put in 0 for E, and solve for m. [math]m=\frac{0}{c^2}=0[/math] strings ad branes are different things. in brane theory, the ends of open strings are "stuck" to the brane that they are on, but closed strings, gravitons, are not.
  17. grams are mass units, pounds are force units. why try to use them in the same context? you could say "i think grams are better than slug/other stuff, ..." or "i think newtons are better than pounds/other stuff,..."
  18. don't you know that can't has an apostrophe? it was obviosly a typo, so leave me alone.
  19. people always say that, but the people that say it appearently don't know that IT DOESN'T WORK. in school, they tried to feed us this "I messege" bullshit. when they figured out how gay that is, they went back to "tell a grown up." the thing is, the adults aren't able to do anything but beat the shit out of the kids(which is illegal), or wait until the bullie does enough damage to get him arrested.
  20. here's the answer: can't go to [math]{0}K[/math], but there is a VERY small effect on gravity due to temp loss. even though gravity is weaker, it still influences the matter at a frac of [math]{1}K[/math].
  21. ydoaPs


    Title: The Elegant Universe Author: Brian Greene Description: String Theory and how it got there. Great for beginners, and endnotes for those that aren't. Rating:**** Title: The Fabric of the Cosmos Author: Brian Greene Description: String Theory and spacetime Rating:****
  22. ydoaPs


    this has been discussed on previous threads
  23. if we were to switch(which i think is a REALLY GOOD idea), you wouldn't have to convert(even if you did, it would be a one time conversion, because everyone would then use the same system). just get metric when you buy new ones. until then do the conversions before you set the machines. i hope that is sarcasm. how can any numbering system not be arbitrary?
  24. i don't think the recorder counts as a musical instrument. it is just an annoying piece of plastic. i used to play the trombone. i quit two or three years ago. i played one a few weeks ago and i am still pretty good.
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