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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. so, you want to wrap your children in bubble-wrap and protect them from the world? you can't do that; there are some things that you can't learn by being told. i made my own mistakes and learned from them. i think i am better for it.
  2. i can project thoughts into people that are at a fairly close distance to me(5-6m max). i i am touching someone, i can see/hear what they are thinking. i was told that when i was younger, i could levatate objects by telekinesis, but i think that is just BS.
  3. time travel to the past is completely possible. (ex. move one end of a wormhole at speeds close to c, then go through the wormhole. this time machine can only take you back to when you started to move the wormhole. if someone from the other side jumped in, they would travel hundreds, thousands, or millions of years into the future, depending on how fast and how long you moved the wormhole.) however, it is impossible to CHANGE the past. you may say that going back in time is changing the past, but it isn't. basically, if time travel occurred, then our present is built on that time travel. the fact that you are alive proves that if you went back in time to kill your parents, that you failed to kill them.
  4. i was talking about chajazo, not you.
  5. hold on, is it. [math]\sqrt{b^2-c^2}[/math] or [math]\sqrt{b^2}-c^2[/math] and how does any of this relate to a? edit: here is something cool about the pythagorean theorem: pythagorean theorem-[math]c^2=a^2+b^2[/math] law of cosines-[math]c^2=a^2+b^2-(2ab)cos(\gamma)[/math] put in [math]2\pi[/math] for [math]\gamma[/math], and the law of cosines becomes the pythagorean theorem.
  6. the assignment was: i had to choose a character from the play. i "was" that character. i had to write journal enties on how i felt about what was going on in the play at different times. it was total crap.
  7. the big bang says nothing about the creation of the universe. neither does the brane theory's cyclic model.
  8. and' date=' is kinetic energy not energy? i believe if you put a value close to c in the equation for kinetic energy, then you will get a large energy.(pretty close to half the energy of the object at rest)[math']E_{kinetic}=\frac{1}{2}mV^2[/math] is it just me or would that added energy increase gravity?
  9. it is just a fancy family tree. it is reccessive, because neither of a carrier's parents had the phenotype for it, yet the child did.
  10. abortion is sick, twisted, and wrong. anyone who uses the argument "...it is her body..." should be shot due to their stupidity. the child IS NOT the woman's body. it is it's own body. if we go by "it is her body", then your mother should be able to kill you right now for no reason. abortion should be acceptable in only 2 circumstances. first, the birth seriously threatens the life of the mother. second, rape. the second circumstance needs to be PROVEN. if not, you would have several sluts that don't want a kid saying "i was raped." point: you don't want a kid, keep your legs closed or use multiple forms of protection.
  11. grrr abotion isn't about the woman's body. anyone who says that should be shot for being so stupid. by the reasoning of "it is her body...", you mother should be able to have you killed for no reason right now.
  12. it doesn't matter that it is inconsiquential, it does happen. perhaps that is a reason for the time dilation in special relativity.
  13. yay, just finished my english first semester final exam. i got an F for the grading period(refused to turn in a pointless, subjective assignment), but i will pass the semester because i got an A the first grading period and i am fairly confident that i got all of the answers correct on the exam. that isn't the point, though. i HATE the subjective crap english teachers make us do. most of it doesn't even have to do with the curriculum. i think that required english should be entirely objective. if you want a subjective english class, it should be an elective. hell, physics was an elective.
  14. [math]pocketknife+tape=knowledge[/math]
  15. well, gravity is stronger on short scales than the inverse square law states it should be. i believe the deviation starts at .1mm
  16. math haikus are cool. i wish that i could write one. but i am stupid.
  17. i went to the same school as kitty. for those that don't know, it was a VERY poor school. no, it started poor, then someone jacked it's "or" and then it became po. it was a VERY corrupt school. the pricipal choked kids. that isn't relavent, exect it tells why i wasn't expelled. in 3rd grade, this kid was bulliing be and i broke his nose. no one has ever bullied me since.
  18. that's not cool. you have to subscribe to read the whole article.
  19. that doesn't go either way, and FOTC was published this year.
  20. like in Kaluza'a theory?
  21. ydoaPs


    so, imaginary planes are just used for points? no lines, conic sections, trigonometry, ...?
  22. word that does not exist: irregardless
  23. i was an evil child. i shot people, stabbed them, pushed them down stairs, and beat them with the claw end of a hammer. and that is just family. o, i also caught my cuz on fire. man, was my childhood fun!
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