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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. usa: i can charge people 20-40 bucks to get a lap dance at my topless bar.
  2. GTA:San Andreas
  3. in The Fabric of The Cosmos, Brian Greene talks about how some people think quantum loop and string theories are going to end of being the same theory. they are just supposed to be starting at different ends of the theory. what do you think?
  4. ydoaPs


    so, in the imaginary plane, (x,y) is x+y? how do you plot things like parabolas with imaginary roots(or is it zeros? i can't remember)?
  5. ydoaPs


    ok, imaginary plane. y axis is replaced with the imaginary axis and the x axis is replaced with the real axis. how do you use it?
  6. i just saw this one
  7. how far are they? there may be some strong magnetic fields or large objects out there.
  8. you do get more gravity for moving, but it is not anywhere near noticeable. kinetic energy is energy(duh!), and mass AND ENERGY both contribute to gravity.
  9. huh? that movie synopsis said it was "based on an actual event." wtf is wit dat, yo?
  10. what is pioneer abnormity? edit: i googled it, and i got 38 results. none of them had the words in the same phrase.
  11. lithium is an anti-depressant. snort it and you will get really buzzed. REMEMBER: DRUGS ARE BAD
  12. huh? hold on. cosmic strings or superstrings. if you are talking about superstrings, you are a bit consfused. edit: some galaxies do go faster than c RELATIVE TO MATTER, but LESS than c RELATIVE TO SPACETIME
  13. Bloody math, you say? Bloody math sounds like some fun. How do you do it?
  14. flappin-20's sluts painful cuts
  15. the sad thing is that it probably is the truth. drug abuse and physics just don't mix.
  16. none of that answers the question without being sarcastic. it appears that information was spontaneously created, but i really doubt the validity of the product.
  17. observations show that space is flat, yet they also show that there is no where near enough matter/dark matter in the universe for it to be flat. our observable universe is thought to be really small9compared to the universe as a whole), which would explain why we think it is flat. on a curved surface, the smaller an area is, the flatter it looks from its viewpoint.
  18. would it be possible to have a giant particle accelerator in orbit around the sun? find a nice, big space(like between some of the farther planets) and have some strategically placed asteroids with powerful magnets orbit the sun. well, could it work?
  19. i THINK most indoeuropean language-speaking countries use arabic numerals. as for non-indoeuropean, i am pretty sure that they have different systems.
  20. ok, this is BS, but it brings up a point.
  21. what flaws are you talking about?
  22. so, you can die from a carreer as a miner, but not from a small boom becoming a big boom?
  23. do you have a link for more info on your article of the day?
  24. is there enough density in uranium ores in mines to be globally dangerous? i mean, explosion in canada starts gigantic nuclear reaction?
  25. spotted dick-freckles or disease put it away, please!
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