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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. i have no doubt that i could kill an intruder. also, you wouldn't get sentenced for killing a burgler. at least in america, you have the right to protect yourself and your home. killing in self defence is not murder, at least according to law.
  2. the gravitational constant is about [math]6.67x10^{-11}[/math]. i think you meant gravitational acceleration. to get that, you need the mass of two galaxies, and their distance from each other. [math]F=ma[/math] [math]F=\frac{Gm_{1}m_{2}}{r^2}[/math] now, substitute "ma" for "F" [math]ma=\frac{Gm_{1}m_{2}}{r^2}[/math] for this example, we are going to assume that the galaxies in question have the same mass, so that the masses cancel. [math]a=\frac{Gm}{r^2}[/math] put in a mass for m, distance for r, and approzxamately [math]6.67x10^{-11}[/math] for G
  3. quarks, electrons and their respective families are the elementary particles. according to the standard model, they are point particles. for those that don't know, that means they have no dimensions; no length, width, or hight.
  4. if someone breaks into my house while i am there, then they will leave dead.
  5. it wouldn't live long enough to swallow anything. it would dissapear almost instantly. the detection process wouldn't be direct; it consists of detecting the particles made when the black hole "dies." "Fabric of the Cosmos" talks about it as a test of string theory.
  6. [math]t'=\frac{t}{\sqrt{1-\frac{V^2}{c^2}}}[/math] put c in for v and time is undefined.
  7. mine was 99th percentile. i dont know his.
  8. how would they know which programs are fiction and which are nonfiction? aren't there computer chips and such in televisions to "decode" the messege sent through the electromagnetic radiation. if so, they probably never saw said programs on television.
  9. for those that don't know, kitty got half my score.
  10. 2.i am right. i was told by not only students, but teachers, guidence councelors, and standerdized tests. btw, i got a 95% on the ASVAB, what did you get, kitty? 3.mutual agreement is almost always a good thing 8."high school is very easy" 10.close enough. if you look closely, our colors are blue and yellow most of the time. they just say it is black and gold. the golden bears suck ass. so does indiana as a whole
  11. it is REAl modern/theoretical science; thats how.
  12. you could make an electric generator powered by your body heat. all you really need to do is heat water in an airtight container then close it while it is very hot and seal it. the container should have been modified to have a turbine-like thingy connected to a magnet with a coil of wire around it. the lowered pressure lowers the boiling point of the water. hold the container and the water will boil which turns the turbine-like thingy. turbine-like thingy creates electricity.
  13. this is the place to post the top ten reasons you hate school. here's mine: 1)Kitty goes there(jk, you're not THAT bad) 2)I am the smartest person in school (sorry kitty, but it's true) 3)what is an F here is a C in every other school system in the country 4)we don't have a Russian class 5)we don't have a German class 6)the highest math class available is Advanced Placement Claculus in One Variable 7)i am currently inroled in the highest physics class available 8) El colegio es muy facil. 9)our mascot is a golden bear 10)our school colors are the same as the Pacers'
  14. grrrrrrrrrrrr, their mass squared is negative, not the mass. the mass of a tachyon, if they exist, would be imaginary.
  15. 50 bucks? u got ripped off. you can buy them for under 10 at pretty much any fair or carnival.
  16. actually, the effects of acceleration and gravity are indistinguishable. that is the basis for general relativity.
  17. WHAT ABOUT ENERGY????????????????????????????
  18. http://www.cellicon.com/
  19. fool=extrasense 23 cents
  20. you have to love quotes from sayo.
  21. Science of mind is what brings that which cannot be named, because structure hinders the studier from comprehending the mind in it's true state, as opposed to a bag of satsumas.5 kilos and assorted nuts and bolts which only hinders Anna Kournikova from showing her true fiendish, but perfectly shaped flask containing Ethyl Alcohol. Therefore, the only reason Weetabix lacks a certain resonance is because MUTANT TUNA FISH have taken over ScienceForums the natural mating habits of the admins breakfast cerial(s) are directly proportional to American PI. Now the evidence of this radical statement : fafalone the great is a Cerial Killer, and YT will now be castrated for spelling serial wrong. But what NavajoEverclear doesn't know is that the plan to kill his cerial takes precedence over this never-ending paragraph.And thus, we have the unfortunate situation of cerial dying horrible death alongside the Marsha Clark groupies, inside of your own kitchen. Besides if the aliens found out that Michael Jackson and his quest to make all black men look like white women was going to be sucessful, they'd probably insert anal probes into our brains. Muffins do not feel good when put up FOR ME TO POOP ON!! Though upon further analysis blueberry cellular phones, strawberry pop tarts and a side dish of shit on a shingle... ... therefore we come to the conclusion that[, while] covered in bleu cheese and located in the Delta Quadrant,
  22. too late, i already did.[insert evil laugh here]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. ydoaPs

    x not= x

    dude, an apple is not defined by size. one being smaller than another makes it no less of an apple than the one it is compared to. so, if you have an apple and are given another, you have two apples. it isn't a hard concept.
  24. bone=foundation mastication
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