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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. the critical density is 5 atoms every cubic meter. observations show about 5 percent of that. that means that overall space is curved. our region of space looks flat for the same reason my town(overall) looks flat. it is much smaller than the rest of the universe. in The Fabric of the Cosmos, Brian Greene says that if the universe were shrunk to the size of the Earth, our observable universe would be vastly smaller than a grain of sand. hence, the observed flatness of space.
  2. which do you think is simpler?
  3. which do you think is simpler?
  4. so, are you pro-string theory or pro-standard model?
  5. so, are you pro-string theory or pro-standard model?
  6. then again, it may turn out to be true. i guess we will have to wait two years for the results of initial experiments.
  7. then again, it may turn out to be true. i guess we will have to wait two years for the results of initial experiments.
  8. sounds like fun. can you buy them at a pet store? how do you take care of them? i guess they eat crickets, but do i need something like a heat lamp( )? how much room would they need?
  9. sounds like fun. can you buy them at a pet store? how do you take care of them? i guess they eat crickets, but do i need something like a heat lamp( )? how much room would they need?
  10. if you could modify a higgs field in such a way to change it's energy, then you could make it have negative pressure, correct? enough negative pressure will make gravity repulsive. so, i was thinking that maybe in 10000 years or more we will have the technology to atrificially play with higgs fields. it would make for nifty space travel(modify higgs field behind the craft). is this right or am i way off?
  11. if you could modify a higgs field in such a way to change it's energy, then you could make it have negative pressure, correct? enough negative pressure will make gravity repulsive. so, i was thinking that maybe in 10000 years or more we will have the technology to atrificially play with higgs fields. it would make for nifty space travel(modify higgs field behind the craft). is this right or am i way off?
  12. my gmail is working just fine. i checked it 10 seconds ago.
  13. my gmail is working just fine. i checked it 10 seconds ago.
  14. ydoaPs

    Theory - Gravity

    please tell me this thread is a joke. how does your theory work on stars, galaxies, spacecraft, ect.?
  15. depending on which comic you read, the specifics are different, but spiderman got his powers from a bite. the only "power" he gets from his costume is webslinging. the only suit to even modify any of his powers was the alien symbiote. his costume does not give him powers. other than that, solaris was correct. i used to like superman, until everyone made him weak. he used to be able to withstand a barrage of bullets, but now if you spit on him he gets knocked down. my vote is either for Green Lantern or Spider-man. edit: unbreakable was a kickass movie. i loved it even though it was very predictable. m night shamalan(however you spell his name) is supposedly famous for his suprise endings, but i have yet to see one that surprised me.
  16. nevermind. i found the answer. it is decoherence
  17. grrr...there is no nothingness. for anything to hover in anything it would need space. space was created in the big bang. brane theory is the closest i will get to accepting a multiverse type deal thingy.
  18. what is the Biefeld-Brown effect? it sounds like the people don't know what they are talking about. they basicly said that having a charge creates gravity(biefeld-brown effect).
  19. glided, i would say it is either that or a lightning rod. maybe it is a giant metal pencil.
  20. he did
  21. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=5974&highlight=final+theory
  22. question: if a species has the technology to have intersolar travel, why would they need to navigate by screwing with crops? you'd think they would be able to make a map on their equivelant of a computer, but that would make too much sense.
  23. well, superconductors are affected by gravity and some of them are pretty damn close to absolute zero.
  24. in different situations, honor can be interchangeable with integrity or self-respect.
  25. a magnetic feild is just two objects exchanging photons. as for gravity, there are multiple theories. one is that is is the curvature of space and another has to do with gravitons, but any attempt to combine them has met nasty infinities. as for thefinaltheory, i REALLY hope you were joking. it was written by an ignorant fool. there are other threads discussing it that are slightly less harsh, but have the same point.
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