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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. here is part of an actual e-mail i recieved:
  2. Europa---WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. do you know how i could build such an experiment? i figure i could modify an old television set, but how could i build a detector that would be able to allow the electrons to still pass through?
  4. i have noticed there are several threads on time/time travel. perhaps they could be brought togather in a sub forum?
  5. behind the slit. i did a little reading since i started this thread and found out it is pretty much like the delayed-choice experiment by wheeler. the result would be a particle pattern. what if instead of a exposure plate, a screen similar to a television screen were used? the pattern would be watched before and after the detector was turned on. would delayed choice still work and it be particle, or would it be interference until the other detector is activated?
  6. if you have additional detectors, you know which path the electro/photon/whatever took, so there is no interference of probability waves, for they have collapsed. but what if you wait to put the detectors in?
  7. if you run the double-slit experiment for a little while then put additional detectors in the beam of electrons/photons/whatever to where the particles are detected and can still pass through the slits, what kind of pattern is the result? is it interference, or particle?
  8. you are forgetting that both space and time are maleable.
  9. the question is not, nor ever was, if it existed, but rather "does it exist where it is if nothing observes it?"
  10. ok, say we put it in a giant box so that no radiation can get to it and we magically move it to an isolated part of the universe. does it have an exact position? there is a probability that every one of the particles that compose the moon could suddenly be scattered across the universe. so, how would we know it is there?
  11. not only is it violent, but it has some other mature content. it also shows police officers as homosexuals. i went into the police station and found a purple, double-sided dildo in the shower. you can use it as a weapon. i even found out that you can give it to your girlfriend. you can also bet on horse races. i find it to be a fun game. if you have a problem with it, don't buy it.
  12. actually, past, future, and present are relative. time dilation is exaggerated ofer lond distances. say you run ten miles an hour. while running, your present contains the present of a region of the universe 150 years future. cool, huh? well, too bad you wouldn't know what would happen at that time, for that region of space is 10 billion light years away and it would take ten billion years for you to know what happened. similarly, if you ran in the opposite direction, your present would contain the present of 150 ago of the same region. as for the lincoln thing, he WAS told not to go.
  13. Is it there if no one is looking? after all, probability waves aren't collapsed until one observes the particle. the moon is just a collection of particles, so is it there if no one observes it? on a side note, what is the probability that the moon could suddenly dissapear to the other side of the andromeda galaxy? i suspect it is so close to zero that it is almost infinitely small.
  14. grrrrrrr, i am going to have to take it again. i only got a 1250. not good enough. must get more points.[sarcasm]i know, i'll steal them!<insert evil laugh here>[/sarcasm]
  15. hold on, posts in gd don't go to your post count? wow, i thought my high number was from my billions of posts in various gd threads. news to me. that doesn't change the fact that it is spam.
  16. duh, it is bush administration. why would it get changed. really, what is with all the spam?
  17. you get an extra boost by being closer to the equater. basicaly, you have more centrifugal force, because you are going faster than say at the north pole.
  18. ydoaPs


    don't get puta confusted with punto. bad things could happen...
  19. it does like absolutes. space and time may not be absolute, but space-time is.
  20. i thought time was one-dimensional. what happened to that? linky to your 2d time?
  21. entangled particles are just the same particle separated by space (yes, i know it makes no sense, but that is how they can transmit info faster than light). so, is it possible that when the universe was created, enough particles were entangled in such a way that there are entangled galaxies? maybe even planets or asteroids?
  22. [math]sin(\frac{\pi}{6}+x)=\frac{1}{2}(cosx+\sqrt{3}sinx)[/math] [math]sin\frac{\pi}{6}cosx+cos\frac{pi}{6}sinx=\frac{1}{2}(cosx+\sqrt{3}sinx)[/math] [math]\frac{1}{2}cosx+\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}sinx=\frac{1}{2}(cosx+\sqrt{3}sinx)[/math] [math]\frac{1}{2}(cosx+\sqrt{3}sinx)=\frac{1}{2}(cosx+\sqrt{3}sinx)[/math] wow, i'm stupid. i made that way harder than it was. thanx for the help.
  23. fine, what is more fundamental than a quark? is that better?
  24. [math]sin(\frac{\pi}{6}+x)=\frac{1}{2}(cosx+\sqrt{3}sinx)[/math] how do i start this one? am i supposed to distribute the right side or work with the left?
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