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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. i am quite slow. i did the 400 meter in 70 seconds.
  2. in his book Fabric of the Cosmos, brian greene was talking about how time dialation is greatly exagerated at a distance. he said something like if you walk at 10 miles an hour in in a direction directly to a point 10 billion light years away, your "now" would include events 150 years in the future to objects 10billion light years away. though their future is in your "now", there would be no way of you to know of their future because of the length of time it would take light to travel that ten billion years. madscientist, [math]\infty^\infty[/math]. now i win. game over.
  3. perhaps he meant the time dimension has two directions.
  4. actually, you can't always know if you are accelerating. you may just be in a gravitational field.
  5. what if they are speeding away from each other at the same speed?
  6. here's how they should: A MAGNETIC FIELD IS AN EXCHANGE OF PHOTONS
  7. [sarcasm]i am sad. still no info on temporal mechanics[/sarcasm]
  8. yes, but photons cause the em field, so why wouldn't light affect magnetism?
  9. ydoaPs

    New Titan Photos

    lighter fluid? i thought most lighters used butane
  10. i just got an idea, though i am sure i am no where near the first to have this one. time could be like a DVD. it can be skipped forward and back, but not changed. you may be able to go back in time, but doing so would also revert you two how you were at the time which you are traveling two. basically, the universe in rewind. memories erased due to the reversal of chemical processes. if you go back farther, you could be spread across the world or even the cosmos, though you wouldn't know it.
  11. there is a myth that they last forever, but it is untrue. they have a shelf-life of about two weeks.
  12. i THINK my first thread was "Dark Energy." i am not sure, because when i searched for all of the threads i started, it wouldn't show them all. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4747&page=1&highlight=Dark+Energy
  13. flame=fire big-assed tire (i don't think we should go in circles like that. ex. the whole trig thing)
  14. it isn't valid? what happened to all objects travelling through spacetime at c?
  15. ha, i knew i was right. if i wasn't, magnetism would provide nonlocality in the macroscopic world. so, why doesn't light afect magnets and vice versa?
  16. trout=fish foolish
  17. i am pretty sure that photons are what cause the em force, but i will look it up.
  18. i am confused as to what you are trying to say. are you saying you only pull g's when you accelerate? if so, you are right. if you are saying you only pull g's when you are stationary, you are wrong.
  19. why doesn't light affect magnets. isn't magnetism caused by photon exchange?
  20. [math]c^2={V_x}^2+{V_y}^2+{V_z}^2+{V_t}^2[/math] ok, put 0 for all velocities but time. what is the speed of time? yes class, it is c. now lets use the speed of time for one second. how many meters is it? correct again, 2.998x10^8.
  21. scince always. i already posted it.
  22. we had a competition tonight. we lost by 1 question. we would have kisked their asses if i was in in the american history round.
  23. take any velocityand instead of using seconds, use it's meter equivelent. the meters cancel out, leaving no units.
  24. yes, they are linked. when i get home from school, in like 12 hours, i will check and post how they are linked without the use of m-theory
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