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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. another displacement/vector mix up is displacement/distance. i remember that it took some people almost a week to understand the difference.
  2. that is not what i am talking about. i am saying that when simplified, m/s doesn't exist. the meters cancel leaving just the number.
  3. i would have thought that someone such as yourself would have known that the different strign theories are just part of the same theory. it is akin to the blind men describing an elephant. if each man is holing a different part of it, their descriptions will not match, but they will still be describing the same elephant.
  4. with m/s, the meters cancel out and leave it with no unit. it also makes the value of the velocity very small. without units, your velocity through spacetime will always be 1.
  5. Why do we use units(m/s) for velocity? Is it because if we don't, then the values are extremely small? If so, wouldn't not using units be good for doing ftl calculations? [math]1s=2.998x10^8m[/math] [math]X\frac{m}{s}=\frac{Xm}{s}=\frac{Xm}{2.998x10^8m}= \frac{X}{2.998x10^8}[/math]
  6. many people have said that it is impossible to make any predictions or test them using string theory, but, in his second book, The Fabric Of The Cosmos, Brian Greene says the opposite. Ill check out chapters 12 and thirteen tommarrow and post what he was talking about.
  7. it may take me a while to read it, because i am very busy of late. muy schedule is packed, so i may have to cut back SFN to read.
  8. i just picked up "fabric of the cosmos" by brian greene. if you haven't already, you should read "the elegant universe"; i liked it. the fabric of the cosmos is about space and time, so it will probably at least touch on temporal mechanics. i'll tell you all when i get to it if it has it in it.
  9. could the "shockwaves" be gravity waves?
  10. i think you were being sarcastic, but that is a good idea
  11. I was watching "Star Trek: First Contact", and i got to thinking at the part where they are caught in the "tempporal wake." it got me thinking about wakes made by air. as you approach the speed of sound, you experience violent diamond-shaped shockwaves. such shockwave have destroyed several aircraft, which lead to the beleif in the "sound barrier." perhaps such a thing would happen in space. could time dilation, space contraction, and mass gain be considered drag? maybe going at such high speeds could cause fluctuations in the surrounding spacetime. as one hits the "sound barrier", one experiences a "sonic boom." assuming that we could one day get around not being able to accelerate to the speed of light, would one that reaches c experience an electromagnetic flash? i must not be the first person to travel down this line of thinking, for in star trek, there is a flash when a ship reaches "warp speed." also, they must have thought of the shockwaves too, because i remember an episode of star trek where a ship was passing the "light barrier" and experiences violent shaking. i think that if such waves occur, they would do more than shake the vessel. perhaps instead of being drag, the tiem dilation, ect. is the waves. is it possible, or did i fry my brain again. too much star trek, or is there such a thing as too much star trek. that is a different topic.
  12. here, school starts at 7:30
  13. http://www.essayworld.com/essays/science/964.shtml
  14. can you reccomend some good books about it?
  15. ok, found it. it was mine. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4747&page=3
  16. school is fun. i love learning
  17. wow, seems like most of them are from my old thread. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4783&page=4&pp=20&highlight=primetime+cartoons Kiss my shiny metal @$$ bender, that's not nice.
  18. which "dark energy" thread?
  19. fat=big trig
  20. [math]U=mgh[/math] if the earth were to vanish, g and h would both be zero, so the potential energy would in turn become zero.
  21. that doesn't make it any less invalid
  22. did you not read the quote you used?
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