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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. sorry, wrong word. what are they then? if i hit sin then the inverse button on my calc, i get the csc of what i put in for sin. what was the word for them then? reciprocal functions?
  2. how does that mean we can tell how big/what shape the universe is?
  3. ydoaPs

    Chickenpox Parties

    contradicts it was a typo. i say both are ethical, but vaccines cost more than the parties. in that respect, it may be a better choice for people that are in the lower income bracket
  4. no, physical laws are the same in every part of the universe. that is an axiom on which almost all physical theories are based. what I am saying is that you cannot tell the size/shape of the universe when you have no clue how much of it you can actually see. we can only see so far. if that is the entire universe, the we must be the center, and i doubt that we are.
  5. they are ratios of the sides of a right triangle. like the sine of 60degrees is 1/2. sine(sin) is opposite side over hypotenuse cosecant(csc) is the inverse of sin. it is hypotenuse over opposite side cosine(cos) is the cofunction of sine. it is adjacent side over hypotenuse secant(sec) is the inverse of cosine. it is hypotenuse over adjacent side tangent(tan) is opposite side over adjacent side. cotangent(cot) is both the inverse and cofunction of tangent. it is adjacent side over opposite side in the first quadrant, all six trig functions are positive in the second quadrant, sine and cosecant are positive while the rest are negative in the third quadrant, tangent and cotangent are positive while the rest are negative in the forth quadrant, cosine and secant are positive while the rest are negative
  6. what about hawking radiation?
  7. . Edisonian is refering to a hypothesis called panspermia. The idea is that life on earth originated somewhere out there. It has a long history of proponents beginning with the Greek Anaxagoras and most recently Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe. If you want to know more this is a good starting site (Till I read this I thought the idea started with Oparin in the 1920s): http://www.panspermia.org/ So' date=' Edisonian, and myself on even numbered days, believe that we are what those impacting microbes eveloved into.[/quote'] so, you think microbes lived through travelling through space in a near vacuum for most likely billions of years then smashing into our atmosphere and still be healthy enough to reproduce? sounds far-fetched to me. also, where did that life come from? it had to come from somewhere; why not earth?
  8. personally, i think WMAP was a waste of money. it is based on a small part of our universe.
  9. well, you obviously are more of an athority than most people here(me at least).
  10. Christopher is gone. Welling is Superman now. Christopher is missed.
  11. we had our first quiz bowl practice today. my team sucks. i answered the majority of the questions. our first meet is thursday. we may be screwed.
  12. is this going to be like when blike said he would be back in ten min with info on a ghost thread? edit: I just checked out a copy of Reverse Time Travel. it's ISBN 0-304-34524-5. have you heard of it? if so, is it a good or bad book for trying to get a basic understanding of temporal mechanics?
  13. two, and he has been in multiple movies since his fall.
  14. ydoaPs

    Chickenpox Parties

    the risk is the same and it is unethical.
  15. how can you go so wrong in one post? where should i begin? not all galaxies are flat. the ones that are are flat because they spin. satillites don't orbit on a plane. they wobble. the effect of rotation of a body is negligible on the other body. you could orbit a planet opposite of the way the planet spins. also, the moon doesn't orbit the earth. the earth and moon orbit each other. same thing with every other orbital system.
  16. ydoaPs

    Chickenpox Parties

  17. ydoaPs

    virtual life?

    well humans don't make EXACT copies of themselves, so you don't consider that reproducing?
  18. i was thinking the same thing
  19. ydoaPs

    virtual life?

  20. ydoaPs

    virtual life?

    could it not change the cpoies it makes?
  21. so, if i were to travel at a certain velocity, to someone else, i would be a black hole, but to me i wouldn't? does that mean that if someone survived the trip to the center of a black hole(ha), they may not know that they are in said black hole?
  22. we could use the answer the standard model uses for things like charge: "It just does."
  23. http://www.fuchsiashockz.co.uk/articles/astro/Cruithne%20Earths%20second%20moon.shtml
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