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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs

    virtual life?

    is it possible make such a program?
  2. here is the formula for highest velocity without being a black hole: [math]V^2=\frac{lc^4-4Gmc^2}{lc^2}[/math] I derived it from the previous formula, [math]m=\frac{m}{\sqrt{1-\frac{V^2}{c^2}}}[/math], and [math]l=l\sqrt{1-\frac{V^2}{c^2}}[/math] I set [math]\frac{1}{2}l\sqrt{1-\frac{V^2}{c^2}}=\frac{\frac{2Gm}{\sqrt{1-\frac{V^2}{c^2}}}{c^2}[/math] l is length, G is gravitational constant, m is mass, c is speed of light if i messed up, feel free to tell me how to fix it
  3. then you haven't been looking very hard. he hasn't stopped acting(ex. Smallville) and he has a stem cell foundation thingy
  4. example: God
  5. perhaps undefined time, mass, and length mean you are a singularity. but then again, wouldn't you be one before you reach c? [math]R=\frac{2Gm}{c^2}[/math] R is Schwarzchild radius, G is gravitational constant, m is mass, and c is speed of light
  6. like mine? it may be the first photograph of a planet outside of our solar system.
  7. plato was just describing a utopian society
  8. 1.)true 2.)true 3.)true 4.)true 5.)false 6.)true 7.)true 8.)true 9.)true 10.)false
  9. no, not all of them
  10. perhaps it could by a chemical to prepare the eggs for fertilization. it could be anything. this is entirely speculation
  11. ydoaPs


    I really hope that you just forgot the sarcasm tag. [sarcasm]everyone knows that ninjas eat bull testicles to see infrared[/sarcasm]
  12. so i am guessing monday was a big disspointment?
  13. reference the fish idea. seems simple enough there.
  14. ydoaPs

    virtual life?

    wait, if it got into the computers controlling certain assembly lines, it could produce physical offspring and enslave the human race. the part about enslaving humans is a joke but still possible. but this scenario is based on if said program gains sentience. unless it feels that the only way for it to survive to eliminate the human threat. pictures of matrix/terminator-like future spring to mind as Sorcerer already stated.
  15. ydoaPs

    Chickenpox Parties

    guess what, you aren't including the fact that more children get it than adults
  16. i know nothing about it, so i don't know what level it should be. i guess you could use that to make a level. yes, great idea. please do.
  17. ydoaPs


    Fine: English is the official language of the Untied States. Is that better?
  18. that is much better
  19. huh? back to topic: since time, length, and mass are undefined at c, does that mean that you are non-existant? at ftl speeds, your mass, length, and time are imaginary, so i guess that means you aren't real
  20. ur an admin. make one.
  21. putting matter in space does not make it expand. it makes it contract. there have to be space to put the matter to expand said space, so it makes no sense. the "void" would contain space which would mean it is part of the universe.
  22. here is a link that describes what i am talking about http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/phy00/phy00562.htm
  23. spin isn't really the rotation of the particle just like quarks colors aren't red, blue, ect.
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