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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. there are math problems that have no answer choices. you have to write in the answer then bubble it in
  2. arena(usually a school). i don't think quiz bowl is televised
  3. just find a bridge and use it. like "word a is made of word b" and see which one in the answers fits. often all choices will be antinymns and the the synonym is the correct one or the other way around.
  4. o yea, i forgot, i am in quiz bowl too.
  5. charge isn't the only properties that are different in particles and antiparticles.
  6. isn't a coid a region of SPACE that has no matter in it? if so, it would still be part of this universe.
  7. CAP=>Civil Air Patrol. It is the United States Air Force Auxiliary FCA=>Federation of Christian Athletes Brain Game=>It is a game show in Indiana. It is a team quiz show for high school students.
  8. [math]t'=\frac{t}{\sqrt{1-\frac{V^2}{c^2}}}[/math] [math]m'=\frac{m}{\sqrt{1-\frac{V^2}{c^2}}}[/math] try it out for yourself. plug in any value for mass or time and velocity. mass prime or time prime will be the mass or time at that speed. it may be fun to put your own mass in the equation to see your mass at different velocities. in case you don't know, to get your mass, divide your weight by [math]9.81\frac{m}{s^2}[/math]. if you are using the english system divide your weight by [math]32.2\frac{ft}{s^2}[/math].
  9. could you please explain how it is a logical trap and wouldn't happen? btw, happy b-day
  10. traveling than c does NOT make you travel backwards in time. it makes your time imaginary.
  11. don't they have names?
  12. ydoaPs

    Chickenpox Parties

    few children die of chickenpox. adults are a different story.
  13. ydoaPs

    virtual life?

    if it were programmed to
  14. oops, forgot: they added algebraII and precal to it now too
  15. so, what are the answers?
  16. it is REALLY easy. you should review basic geometry and algebra, work on your vocab, and you will have to know grammer and such. off topic: nice avatar
  17. I don't support either candidate. I don't like Bush because he is a liar. I don't like Kerry because all he does is point out that Bush is a liar. If I was of voting age, there would be no way that I would have voted for either one of them in the primaries. [sarcasm]We need to hire a hitman to kill them both so we can get new candidates.[/sarcasm]
  18. it is only for Indiana http://www.doe.state.in.us/istep/welcome.html i found the sat and istep/gqe to be about the same difficulty.(both extremely easy) nevertheless, people still fail both tests
  19. 1.)dunno 2.)false 3.)duh, false 4.)dunno 5.)could be 6.)false 7.)dunno 8.)false 9.)true 10.) true
  20. didn't they just use pallidium electrodes for electrolysis of water?
  21. ydoaPs

    virtual life?

    memory maybe?
  22. wasnt there two guys that claimed they had acheived cold fusion, but they were later exposed as a hoax.
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