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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. [sarcasm]sayo needs to learn to use the sarcasm tags[/sarcasm]
  2. ydoaPs

    Chickenpox Parties

    not totally harmless. vaccines are known to give people the disease they are protecting against.
  3. the planet showed signs of water. it is supposed to be still contracting. it is 10 times the size of jupiter and orbits the same distance as neptune is from the sun. too bad it isnt confirmed yet.
  4. ydoaPs

    virtual life?

    if someone made a program that could do whatever it takes to stay in existance, say delete firewalls and such,; copy itself; and mutate itself if neccesary. would said program be "life"?
  5. first photo of extrasolar planet. http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/mystery_monday_040510.html http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/space/09/10/exoplanet.image/ http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2004-09/11/content_373646.htm
  6. we DO have to take a test before we can graduate. if you have 100% of all your tests, homework, and such correct and yet you fail this test, you don't graduate. it is called the ISTEPGQE. Yay, it is over. I am so happy. i think i got a 410. wait, i spelled my name wrong. looks like it is a 10 for me.
  7. SAT is in the morning. That means I have to get up early and spend three hours filling in bubbles. At least I don't have to write an essay. Sucks to be the next group of people taking it. Wait, I am good at essays. Damn, we need one.
  8. it doesn't quite work. say we have a region of space 1m^3 about 100m from the "edge" of the universe. due to the uncertainty principle, we could not say there is NO matter in said region of space. there would be vertual particles and such.
  9. ydoaPs


    so many peepz on it now, you couldn't give one away with a steak dinner
  10. we need a sarcasm tag
  11. we should have sarcasm tags
  12. but...my daddy says that there were no concentration camps--jk afiak, all of the explosive talk in Fight Club is true
  13. lines are NOT finite. they go on forever in both directions of its one dimension.
  14. ydoaPs


    english is the national language of the united states. how does the fact that i am native american change that?
  15. they have succeeded...in taking money from stupid people.
  16. ydoaPs


    that is because canada has two national languages. us only has one.
  17. i guess you missed that i knew you were being sarcastic. sometimes it is hard to tell if someone knows they are responding to sarcasm(especially when it is nonvocal). sorry for the misunderstanding.
  18. 1.) that shows that it is relative, not subjective 2.) not all speed, just y componant of the velocity.(unless you are lying down)
  19. mass and energy aren't equivilent. [math]E=mc^2[/math], not [math]E=m[/math]
  20. so, state of matter can change an element from metal to nonmetal?
  21. If you travel at c, time is undefined. Mass is also. What is undefiend mass/time? Does it mean that time/mass doesn't exist or does it mean something else?
  22. ydoaPs


    "SpamBusters, Bitch!"--Dave Chappelle
  23. ydoaPs


    if they could understand english, then why would the poster be printed in spanish?
  24. no, caffeine with sugar and a small amount of water.
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