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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs

    Chickenpox Parties

    it is more severe when you are an adult. give the kids an immunity. i don't see what is unethical about it.
  2. i REALLY hope that was a joke.
  3. how is height subjective?
  4. ydoaPs


  5. ydoaPs


  6. they didn't have those wonderful atom smashers when atoms were thought to be elementary particles.
  7. ydoaPs


    well, i wouldn't care because they ARE speaking english. care to elaborate? 1.) i am native american 2.) i never said i had a problem with immigrants. if you want to move here AND CAN SPEAK CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH, then go ahead.
  8. ydoaPs


    there edit: if you want to argue, lets do it tommarrow. i am going to bed.
  9. hell, i could sell whole galaxies or even clusters while i am at it. i could make millions, no, billions, no, trillions.
  10. ydoaPs


    side question: Why do drive-up ATMs have Braille on them? I really hope blind people aren't driving. edit:al, i get the feeling that you are a person lacking in patriotism. you wouldn't be the least bit upset about people spitting in the face of our country?
  11. partly. see genetic engineering
  12. 1.)yes, he is saying it is a point particle. no, it has no relavence. 2.)no, it also acts like a wave 3.)it says he is a psuedoscientist or he has no clue what he is talking about.
  13. really? what is smaller than a quark?
  14. ydoaPs

    Chickenpox Parties

    a chickenpox party is cheaper than a vaccine and more effective.
  15. ydoaPs


    1.) why the hell would tourists come to Indiana? 2.) if i moved to china and made no attempt to learn the language, i may be put to death. which is worse, deprotation or death? if you don't have enough respect to learn the language of the country that you move to, then you needn't move there.
  16. matter cannot always be divided into smaller protions. do the words "elementary particles" mean anything to you?
  17. Ha! I can reach the top shelf. :Þ
  18. it isn't a secret. meet Rael. http://www.rael.org http://www.clonaid.com
  19. how can space end? say the universe were a room. what is beyond the walls?
  20. ydoaPs


    ok, here is a true story: the was a car accident. i was the only one on the scene that was quallified to do first aid. they didn't speak english and i didn't speak spanish. i had to use my girlfriend as my personal translator. if i had been by myself, those people may have died.
  21. would you give us a breif synopsis of why it can't happen or a link to said threads?
  22. ydoaPs


    so why should the rest of america learn other languages to accomidate people that don't speak the language? that is just stupid.
  23. if it is a novelty gift, then why not use mswor or some crap like that and make a document stating that the owner of said document owns x amount of land on the moon? that would cost much less
  24. ydoaPs


    it isn't about people that speak more than english. it is about people living in US that DONT speak english. how would China react to me if i moved there and didn't even attempt to learn Chinese? how isn't speaking english necessary for living in the United States?
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