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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs


    no, i think that businesses in the US shouldn't discriminate against peopel that aren't bilingual.
  2. molecular man fights against popular molecules in cola. :Þ
  3. ydoaPs


  4. ydoaPs


    i don't care if i alienate aliens. if they don't speak english, they don't belong here until they do. if i were in politics, i would make a bill requireing citizens to speak at least conversational english.
  5. Pepsi products. MT. DEW RULZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(not that nasty crap from Taco Bell)
  6. I don't think firefighters and police are heros. *hears 200 million guns cock* They signed up to put themselves in danger. To me, a hero is the dumbass that runs into a burning building to save an old lady when the fire department hasn't gotten there yet.
  7. I am between 6'3" and 6'4".
  8. Yay, id didn't get sick today! First Tuesday since school started. After class, I felt like I could run all day. I still had pain in my tibias, but I have gotten used to it.
  9. I don't know how many I can do, but I know I do a lot of them. On Thursdays, we do ladders in fitness. Everytime someone messes up the ladders, we have to do five push-ups. So we do anywhere between 25-30 push-ups then run a lap, then do ladders again. We do that for 45 minutes.
  10. ydoaPs


    When I said "leave your language behind," it was figurative. I meant use the new one, not say "screw my heratige."
  11. ydoaPs


    Well, I firmly believe that if you move to a new country, you should leave your language behind and learn your new country's language. It is only polite.
  12. don't you have to discover a star to name it? the site talks about how it can do sell land on the moon because people claimed land in history. didn't you actually have to go to the land to claim it?
  13. ydoaPs


    I was at the library and saw a poster. It was talking about how it ismportant to vote, BUT it was in Spanish. For those of you that don't know, I live in America. I found that poster disturbing. I don't think you have any right to vote if you can't understand the national language. What do you guys think?
  14. i didn't say "it's that way because i said so," i said that it cannot travel past c, therefore, it cannot be instantaneous. since almost all theoretical scientists that deal with gravitons say it travels at c, that would mean it takes 8 minutes. now lets get back on topic. :Þ
  15. I call the Centauri system.
  16. i know it is in there, but i don't know where. i was going to check it to see if there was a better simple explaination than the one i gave.
  17. ydoaPs

    18th amendment

    actually, it is true. look it up. just because some idiot syas it doesn't bother him, doesn't mean it doesn't kill people.
  18. It is a show about Bobby McCallaster and his brother Jack. Bobby will be president. I don't know if you Brits get it or not.
  19. is ther some sort of digram to go along with this? if so, i can't find it.
  20. "This sounds like a job for Molecularman and his trusty sidekick, Atomicboy." sorry, i just had to. i am not only more active educationally, but also physically when i can't sleep. if i do my homework when i can't sleep, i get better grades on it. i also often lift weights and do push ups when i can't sleep. you are probably just a night person. some people function better during the day, others at night.
  21. ydoaPs

    18th amendment

    smoking is a different matter all togather. i don't think that people have the right to smoke, because they are not only poisening themselves. there are more toxins in sidestream smoke than in mainstream smoke. secondhand smoke causes just as many cases of cancer as it does in the people that actually smoke.
  22. an army general, navy admiral, and air force general were standing around talking about which branch takes more testicular fortitude. the army general tells a private, "private, stop that tank with your body" the private says, "yes sir." he dies. the general says, "that took balls" the admiral tells a seaman, "seaman, stop that ship with your body" the seaman says, "yes sir." he dies. the admiral said, "that took balls" the air force general tells an airman, "airman, stop that jet with your body" the airman says, "hell no, sir." the general says, "now THAT took balls"
  23. the illustration of blind men describing an elephant is often used for that. blind men each grab a different part of an elephant and describe it. all of the decriptions are different, yet they describe the same elephant. m-theory is the elephant, and the string theories are the blind men's descriptions.
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