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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. it is total crap. you don't actually own land on earth's moon/mars.
  2. that is basically what i meant with my first question
  3. ydoaPs

    18th amendment

    it: lowers eye pressure induces hunger opens bronchial passages eases pain and a few more things that i cant remember at this time. edit: Mad Mardigan, if you are in favor of the right to drink, why did you vote that prohibition is a good thing?
  4. ydoaPs

    18th amendment

    that's how the kennedys got rich.
  5. i figured that since skin color has a function, eye color might also.
  6. as i said before, it was for the multitudes of people that start their posts with "i have no training in math or science..." and for the invasion of the 14 year olds.
  7. what i meant was, everyone has a different idea of what is profane. how is it defined on sfn? that simple. sorry for the misunderstanding
  8. i never said it was proof. my post was based on common information, therefore i didn't need to cite proof.
  9. we're supposed to refrain from profanity on the forums, what constitutes profanity?
  10. what is the point of pigmentation of the iris?
  11. it wans't supposed to be. KISS Keep It Short and Simple there are several people (citing the invasion of the 14 yr. olds and multitudes of "i have no training in science or math") that would have no clue if i had a post full of equations, so i merely provided a short, simple concept showing why it cannot be instantainious.
  12. off topic question: does eye color affect vision? the iris reflects light and absorbs some. does it change your vision?
  13. hold on didn't we have the same answer to the question? then why are you trolling?
  14. what corner? i am not backed into anything.
  15. well, you cannot PROVE anything. there is no proof that you exist. your posts could be created by a bot or even my own imagination. for all i know, the entire universe could be my dream.
  16. a soccer mom to faint? soccer moms are known for having worse mouths than sailors.
  17. really? i took this directly from my simple explaination it kinda says 8 minutes. :Þ
  18. crop circles are made by nerds with ropes and boards
  19. in what way?
  20. it means that is cannot be instantanious. also, the graviton is a theoretical massless particle that travels at c, so still not instantaneous.
  21. You ARE ignorant. Know what punctuation is? You need question marks.
  22. that is usually refered to as the grandfather paradox. there are several answers. basically, no one knows. a popular theory is that you create a new universe when you travel back in time.
  23. here is a simple explaination. information cannot travel at speeds above c. if the sun suddenly dissapeared, there would be no way for the eath to know it for around 8 minutes. (gravitons, if they exist, are believed to travel at c)
  24. ydoaPs

    18th amendment

    life would suck if the 18th amendment were still in effect. what do you think?
  25. 8 minutes after the explosion.
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