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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. o, ok. I just got confused on what you were saying. yea it would work. [math]\frac{h}{L}=\frac{x}{l}[/math] h is your height. L is the lenght of your shadow. l is the lenght of the building's shadow.
  2. don't you still need an angle?
  3. ydoaPs


    thanx. wat is tea timer?
  4. branes aren't universes. they are parts of the same one. separated by 2 dimensions.
  5. ydoaPs


    where did you get it? linky plz.
  6. you'll need to know your height fairly accurately if it has to be as accurate as possible.
  7. ydoaPs


    link for spybot:search and destroy and teatimer?
  8. ydoaPs


    My computer keeps downloading porn by itself. I have caught it a few times. When I try to close the popup that downloads it, and it acts like it isn't responding. It then closes after it is done downloading it. What is going on?
  9. For a long time, I had NO malware, but now I am getting flogged with a crapload of malware. I get more almost as soon as I delete it. I tried updating Ad-Aware, but it said there were no updates available. What is going on?
  10. but i like Mr. Parks. he is a cool guy.
  11. elementary particles have no core because, according to the standard model, they are point particles. that means they have zero dimensions
  12. 16yrs old 225lbs 6'3" I am am sure it is 45min because our class is 55min and we get 5min to change. (we usually have 2-3min left over. it is about in the middle of my tibia.
  13. ok how about this. time dialation has been experamentally proven and it was the EXACT amount as in Mr. Einstein's equations. http://www.walter-fendt.de/ph11e/timedilation.htm http://aci.mta.ca/Courses/Physics/4701/EText/TimeDilation.html first one is just an amusing site. the second one is an explaination
  14. o, don't run on hard surfaces. it causes shin splints.(found out the hard way)
  15. ydoaPs

    Science Shirts

    here's some more by him: http://home.netcom.com/~swansont/boymeetsgirl.jpg http://home.netcom.com/~swansont/stuckinmolecule.jpg http://home.netcom.com/~swansont/geologist.jpg http://home.netcom.com/~swansont/goldilocks.jpg http://home.netcom.com/~swansont/interrupt.jpg
  16. take it up with Mr. Einstein. it doesn't really matter why time dialation works, it is that it works. it has been proven so many times, it isn't even funny.
  17. ydoaPs

    Science Shirts

    sorry, missed that post. edit: does that mean if Swansont agrees, Blike has his t-shirt?
  18. ydoaPs

    Science Shirts

  19. relativity. look into it. edit:what is wrong with my equations? they are simple equations that answer your question. would you rather have an explaination with no support?
  20. i was thinking about this and it really makes some sense.(especially if you like the cyclic universe found in brane theory). think about it: magnets have positive and negative, thermal equelibrium, Lex II, ect...
  21. ydoaPs

    Science Shirts

    i think the McSquared Burger is the best one so far.
  22. 1.)vomiting was what i meant when i said "get sick" 2.)so, moving my toes up and down will take pain away from two fractured legs? our litigious society(US) has caused the price of physicans to be rediculously high. that is why i posted the thread first. i don't want to have to pay if it is nothing.
  23. since always. [math]m=\frac{m'}{\sqrt{1-\frac{V^2}{c^2}}}[/math] edit: time dialation [math]t=\frac{t'}{\sqrt{1-\frac{V^2}{c^2}}}[/math] if V=c, then V^2=c^2. c^2/c^2=1, that makes [math]t=\frac{t'}{\sqrt{0}}[/math]. [math]\sqrt{0}=0[/math], so t is now undefined.
  24. could we have a higher limit for attachments? i have only posted like two small bmp files, and mine is already almost half full.
  25. isn't that what my last post said?
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