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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs


  2. i think he is talking about constructive criticism.
  3. 1.)I can't. The class is only 55 minutes long, and he has us work most of the time. The rest of the time we are changing. I thought lactic acid just made your muscles hurt. 2.)Aren't shin splints fractures in the tibia? I wear tennis shoes. The place we run is a concrete circle thingy around the main gymnasium.
  4. uh, dark matter. the greeks had eather(sp?) that they thought kept everything in place. what keeps things apart is space itself.
  5. 1.) i get sick after i run for a long period of time(about 45 minutes) 2.) i get pain in my tibia while and after i run. what causes these and how can i prevent them?
  6. feed it whatever you eat. of course, it would take massive amounts of alterations to the origional design.
  7. the fact that space has galaxys and stars ect. proves that it is not a vacuum.
  8. it is accelerating. it's acceleration is -9.81m/s/s edit: for future reference, don't use geocities as a rescource.
  9. i think that may cause massive amounts of road rage. think about it: you can go 65mph on acertain road, but you are stuck behind a vehicle that can only go 30mph.
  10. let me guess, one of your favorite movies is "Revenge of the Nerds"
  11. Why do people like to screw up other people's computers? Spyware, viruses, adware, ect...
  12. time dialation [math]t=\frac{t'}{\sqrt{1-\frac{V^2}{c^2}}}[/math] edit: to them, they would have arrived at 5pm, not 5:08pm
  13. Encrypted, you know better than to post the same thread in multiple forums.
  14. time for another crappy diagram. how can we, who travel at a velocity less than c, beat light, which travels at c, from point a to b?
  15. i too am still perplexed by this. how can we see light that, logically, should have passed us billions of years ago? if you are a fan of brane theory then you know that the big bang may not have happened in the one place. it could have happened when two branes collided. there would have been a "big bang" in every point the two branes touched
  16. perhaps it should be a rotating grid with (0,0,0) being the center of the galaxy. the rotation would be so that the grid wouldn't appear to change much if you are in our galaxy.
  17. they don't use your whole body. you can only have a few grams of ashes sent up.
  18. ydoaPs

    Science Shirts

    it looks that way
  19. Haiku kinda low. I had to up Haiku thread. You must have figured.
  20. they have cerebral ganglia' date=' not brains. their nervous system is equally distributed throughout their bodies. watch "Faces of Death" part one
  21. sorry, didn't mean in a row. here is my schedule: Monday: Weights Tuesday: Running Wednesday: Weights Thursday: Ladders(running) Friday: kickball/dodgeball Saturday: rest Sunday: rest I also work out after school monday-wednesday
  22. anything that promises fast results is bad. work out really hard for 3 days and rest the other 4. also, run a mile every day.
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