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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. RICHARDBATTY, it was just past 3:30pm here when you typed that. Maybe he doesn't live in the same place as you. SCOOTER93, google Darwin Awards.
  2. anything divided by 0 is undefined. end of discussion.
  3. I have heard that the American Midwest is so fertile, that, if fully utilized, it could provide enough food for the entire population of Earth. Damn, I have to move so they can plant more soybeans.
  4. why would you want to? you would either pay more attention to the movie or the game. even if your attention was split equally, you wouldn't get as much out of either.
  5. idea: have a spandex-type suit with small rubber tubes running all over it like blood vessels. have a body heat-powered generator power a small pump to pump the fluid through the tube.
  6. metallurgical engineer = steel worker big porker
  7. for a power source, you could use your body. have aliquid in a near vacuum with a turbine-like electric generator. your body heat will boil the liquid, which will turn the turbine.
  8. the "hour" was an exaggeration. i wouldn't have to pay bail. if they didn't let me out, there would be so much political crap going on, it wouldn't be funny.
  9. here is a little scenario: I go to russia and say something the government doesn't agree with. they put me in jail. the US government would have me out in under an hour
  10. maybe hampsters or squirrels. they have thumbs, so they may be able to be trained to weild weapons. evil squirrel armies taking over the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *insert evil laugh here*
  11. so, the children of vegitarians will be morons?
  12. ydoaPs

    Science Shirts

    he said a bit of wit or sarcasm edit: if i could find the cartoon about schrodinger, i would post it. i'll look later
  13. ydoaPs

    Science Shirts

    1.)"Dyslexics of the world untie." 2.)"Are you iliterate?"
  14. you get them above your inbox. there will be a link saying something like "You have ___ invites. Invite someone to join Gmail."
  15. ydoaPs


    i think radians are easier than degrees. pi=180 degrees, so any fraction of 1(ignoring the pi) is in the first two quadrants.2pi=360 so, anything above 1 and below 2(ignoring the pi) is in the last two quadrants.
  16. i can go anywhere in the world, and i will still have all the rights of an american citizen. why wouldn't i have them why wouldn't i have them while sitting in my house?
  17. You have the freedom of speech on every media no matter where it is based AS LONG AS YOU ARE A CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES. Is that what you were asking or were you asking about freedom of religion(which also still applies)?
  18. I THINK it was in the "Ending the 0.999~ = 1 debates" thread.
  19. [math]i=\sqrt{-1}[/math] I was referring to a proof I saw that showed that they + and - numbers were the same
  20. Do they really exist? I once saw a proof showing that they were the same as positive numbers. I think it may have come from Dave. I will try to look for it. If negative numbers are the same as positive, does that mean imaginary numbers are just a fabrication of man?
  21. ok, you pull a robbery. Why speed away? Wouldn't that bring attention to yourself? I would suggest driving normally. Obey all the traffic laws, then later, switch cars and continue to drive normally.
  22. how does eating meat make you develop higher reasoning faculties.
  23. Can't burn Mr.Bush. Murder is not legal. Duh! Must be better way.
  24. if you want it, i a few invites left. just let me know
  25. How can a video game LOWER your vocabulary?
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