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Everything posted by ydoaPs

  1. ydoaPs


    This is the thread where you can tell me if I have offended you.
  2. ydoaPs


    So, to restate my question, what the bloody hell are they used for? I have never heard of them until I saw the mode on my old scientific calculator.
  3. ydoaPs


    here in america, we have this thing called the first amendment. Do you know why I was suspended? Who have I offended? Come on, if I have offended you, email me at yourdadonapogostick@gmail.com. I want to see how many people I have offended.
  4. You HAVE TO READ to play most good video games.
  5. they don't use complete sentences, because if they did, they might lose the game. take time to type whole sentences, and some godawful creature could run up to you and kick your ass or someone could shoot you.
  6. no, you have to read to understand most video games(excluding puzzle games)
  7. ydoaPs


    it sounds easier, but don't radians work better with math?
  8. ydoaPs


    Who did I offend? Yes I do have the right to offend people. I can say what I want on any media I want.
  9. ydoaPs


    When are they used? Why were they developed? Why not just stick with Radians or degrees?
  10. It may take up to a month to get them, or you may get them the first time you sign in.
  11. ydoaPs


    I know what Radians and Degrees are, but what are Grads?
  12. Will someone please post some wave equations? The closest thing I know are Sin/Cos curves.
  13. I have a few invites left. If anyone wants one, PM me.
  14. SFN or...a library...or encyclopedia...or e-mail with scientists that are prominent in the scientific community edit: 3 posts in one minute. very impressive
  15. ydoaPs


    oops, u forgot a bracket. I speak English, VERY little Russian, I am in the process of learning Spanish, and I will be taking French and Latin next year.
  16. ydoaPs


    Alexa, do you know how to use quote tags? Just in case, it is [ quote=______ ]____________________________[ /quote ] take out the spaces in the brackets and there u go
  17. ydoaPs


    Oops, misread your post. Yes, I was talking about when we were asked how many languages we speak.
  18. ydoaPs


    Do dead languages count? That isn't what you originally said you objected to.
  19. Are you trying to say it happened in real life? Let's say it did, why would I try to forget about it?
  20. Sunday, a big boom. The earthquake shook the whole town. It was very loud.
  21. ¿Como se dice spam is bad en español?
  22. ydoaPs


    this is a tangent from this thread: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?p=85223#post85223 if you move to a country, should you learn the language?
  23. if you wanna live in a [insert country here] town, move to the country. america is a combination of several cultures, but if you are going to isolate yourself with others and just keep your culture, then why move here in the first place? to legally move here, you have to take a citizenship test. i THINK it is only given in english.(if it isn't, it should be) if that is so, then isn't it logical to assume that people who do not speak english are illegal aliens and by law should be deported anyway?
  24. perhaps fire-breathing dragons did exist. how do we know they didn't? hell, even species of which we have fossils may have breathed fire. it isn't like two small glands in the mouth would fossilize
  25. your example was all about context. how can u use it and say it isn't about context?
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